Pubdate: Fri, 07 Jun 2002
Source: Cambridge Reporter, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002 The Cambridge Reporter
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A Waterloo Regional Police initiative against Cambridge high school 
druggies resulted in 13 students being charged for pot smoking in the first 
three days.

"I'd hope the schools are concerned about kids attending classes while 
under the influence of drugs or alcohol," said Sergeant Mike Allard, who 
heads the police/school liaison program in Cambridge. "Look at the number 
of charges - and that's just in the first three days."

The arrests occurred off school property and involved students who were 
smoking marijuana between classes or during their break, he said.

Police nor school board officials would identify the schools that were 
involved. A school-by-school breakdown may be available when the program 
ends, at the end of the school term, said Olaf Heinzel, police spokesman.

A similar program will be conducted by the Waterloo detachment in the near 
future, he said.

Undercover officers plan to operate in all five Cambridge high schools. 
Heinzel said it's hoped the busts will teach students to think first before 
taking drugs.

"We want them to consider what it is they're ingesting," he said.

Students are smoking high-grade marijuana that's many times stronger than 
the weed that used to be available.

Much of it is grown hydroponically in local homes, the focus of close to 
100 "homegrow" busts in the last two years in the region.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom