Pubdate: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 Source: Advertising Age (US) Section: Page 68, Adages Copyright: 2002 Crain Communications Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Richard Linnett Note: Accompanying the item is a photo of an Elvis impersonator shaking hands with the governor, captioned: "DAN FORBES MEETS GOV. TAFT (R): Just kidding." Related: (Background) Related: (Daniel Forbes' Response to this item) Bookmark: (Partnership for a Drug Free America) Bookmarks: (Forbes, Daniel) WHERE THERE IS SMOKE, THERE ARE MIRRORS DANIEL FORBES, the journalist who revealed last January that the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy cuts deals with TV networks to weave anti-drug messages, like product placement, into the story lines of TV shows, has a new ax to grind. This time it's Bob Taft, the Republican governor of Ohio, whom he accuses of plotting with the Partnership for a Drug-Free America to create a partisan political campaign against a drug-reform initiative in the state. In a rambling 43-page report posted on the Web site of the Institute for Policy Studies (, a left-wing think tank, Dan alleges that Taft, his wife, Hope Taft and the PDFA spent government money planning a campaign against a state initiative that would promote treatment instead of criminal sentences for simple drug possession. Unfortunately there's not a whiff of a smoking gun in the report other than some publicly available transcripts of meetings between the alleged conspirators, and there are no sources for his story, because no one returned Dan's phone calls. Finally, there is no ad campaign and it doesn't appear that there will be one. Did they call it off? "That's a darn good question," Dan, who writes for High Times, tells Adages, "they're not telling me. The Partnership hasn't returned my phone calls for five years." The PDFA did return Adages call. "We've never created any advertising to influence the outcome of a drug based referenda in any state," said Steve Dnistrian, director of public affairs. "Clearly, Dan is smoking some of the wacky weed that he has a great affection for when he is sitting down writing these things." - --- MAP posted-by: Ariel