Pubdate: Sat, 15 Jun 2002
Source: Daily Telegraph (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Telegraph Group Limited
Author: David Millward


A millionaire property tycoon told an Old Bailey jury yesterday that he 
found it amusing to send in burly builders and dogs to evict troublesome 

Such tactics were justified in the removal of people who were drug dealers 
and addicts, Nicholas van Hoogstraten said under cross-examination while 
standing trial for ordering the contract killing of a business associate.

He told the court that he adopted those methods on several occasions. 
"There was one occasion at a property in Sutherland Avenue, Maida Vale, 
when, two weeks before we were due to sell it, a load of hippies and drug 
dealers were moved in," he said.

"The builders sent in some dogs and the drug dealers jumped out of first 
and second floor windows. It was quite amusing."

Van Hoogstraten said that on another occasion he was given carte blanche by 
police in Hove, East Sussex, to remove a dozen addicts.

On some occasions Robert Knapp, who is alleged to have been one of two 
hitmen hired by van Hoogstraten to kill Mohammed Raja, would be used by the 
tycoon's architect to "dissuade" difficult tenants.

Van Hoogstraten, 57, from Framfield, East Sussex, denies conspiring to 
murder and murdering Mohammed Sabir Raja. David Croke, 59, of East 
Moulescoomb, Brighton, East Sussex, and Robert Knapp, 53, from Abbeyfeale, 
County Limerick, also deny murdering Mr Raja in Sutton, south London, on 
July 2, 1999.

The case continues.
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