Pubdate: Sat, 29 Jun 2002
Source: Herald-Sun, The (Durham, NC)
Copyright: 2002 The Herald-Sun
Author: Clifton Patrick Jones


What will it take to arouse the citizens of Durham? Murders, shootings, 
assaults and robberies seem unending in what used to be a safe and pleasant 
place. An 89-year-old lady is brutally and savagely murdered. A young man, 
Don Barua, is deliberately shot by a young criminal. It seems endless. We 
must rid our city and county of gangs and habitual criminals. The drug 
business is responsible for most of our crime.

When will our judges and other public "leaders" get serious? Our city and 
county leaders coast along in their ivory towers as if all is well as they 
increase taxes and waste our money on needless studies, proposed projects 
and totally stupid proposals such as domestic partner benefits (thank God 
this was defeated), etc.

It is too bad Dan Patel is not allowed to be a candidate for County 
Commissioners. We need new and honest faces in the courthouse. We are 
fortunate that John Best Jr. is on the City Council. A hearty salute to 
this young leader. We need more such folks.

As for murderers, we need swift and certain justice. The death penalty 
should be retained and used when the evidence is clear, beyond a reasonable 
doubt, that a person is a murderer. Youth, poverty and ethnic background 
cannot be excuses for criminal activity.

CLIFTON PATRICK JONES Durham June 29, 2002
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