Pubdate: Tue, 02 Jul 2002
Source: Daily Press (VA)
Copyright: 2002 The Daily Press
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)


Schools Should Reject Random Drug Tests

Sometimes more sensible heads prevail on the front lines than back at the 
command post.

That's the case with the question of whether schools should be able to 
conduct random drug tests of students who are involved in extracurricular 

Seven years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that random drug tests are 
constitutional for student athletes. Last week, the court broadened the 
group that can be searched to include students who participate in other 

Fortunately, none of the school systems in the Daily Press readership area 
is planning to implement such tests. A few may revisit their policies based 
on the new ruling, thinking it could give them a new tool for dealing with 
the drug problem. That's a bad idea.

Subjecting students to random drug tests as a condition of participating in 
extracurricular activities doesn't make sense. Students who are involved in 
band or athletics or debate or theater - who keep up the required grades, 
who make the commitment to practices and rehearsals and meetings - probably 
aren't the ones we should be most worried about.

If we want to zero in on students who might be using drugs, it would make 
more sense to target those who don't come to school regularly, whose grades 
suffer, who don't participate in school life. Those students shouldn't be 
subject to random testing, either, but it would make more sense than 
targeting students in positive activities.

Since extracurricular activities are so beneficial, why create obstacles 
that could drive students away? It isn't hard to imagine a young person who 
might be dissuaded from going out for an activity because he or she didn't 
want to face the drug test - just when the activity could be the best thing 
for that child. From athletes to budding actors, lives are profoundly 
influenced by high school activities. The discipline, the sense of 
accomplishment, the relationship with a coach or sponsor could be a child's 
path away from drugs. Don't give them more free time to find the wrong 
thing to do.

Strangely, Justice Stephen Breyer thought this choice might be what makes 
drug tests acceptable: A "conscientious objector" has the option of 
quitting the activity to avoid the test. Is that the incentive system we 
want, especially for students who may be teetering on the edge?

And why should schools be involved in drug testing anyway? The goal is 
therapeutic, but what evidence is there that a significant number of 
students involved in extracurricular activities need therapeutic 
intervention? Should all be subject to the most intimate intrusion because 
a few need help?

If a student seems to have a problem, and trained school counselors have 
reason to suspect substance abuse, the school should deal with that problem 
- - on an individual basis. By involving the parents, absolutely. And, if 
necessary, community agencies. Take action where there's evidence that 
action needs to be taken.

And be very careful about punishing children at school for what they do out 
of school.

In a society that strives to protect citizens' rights and privacy - that 
requires the police to have probable cause and a warrant to search a 
student's home - can we justify intrusive searches of bodily fluids in the 
absence of reason to suspect a student is involved with drugs? The answer, 
despite the court's ruling, is no.

And what's the next step: random searches of any student, as some legal 
scholars predict?

The Supreme Court has offered school systems an opportunity to teach a 
lesson in civics. Just because the court says something is legal, doesn't 
make it right, doesn't make it good policy.

So, school divisions: Do what you do best - focus on education, on 
providing an array of meaningful opportunities for students, on bringing 
skilled staff together to help those with problems. Keep students busy in 
positive after-school activities - don't drive them away with ill-advised 
drug tests that, despite the court's ruling, undermine citizens' treasured 
right to be protected from unreasonable government searches.
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