Pubdate: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 Source: Edinburgh Evening News (UK) Copyright: 2002 The Scotsman Publications Ltd Contact: Details: Author: David Macmillan KEEP AN OPEN MIND ON CANNABIS IN reply to W Arnot saying that the courts don't work hard enough at keeping cannabis illegal and that the majority would like to see it kept illegal (Letters, June 27). How insolent can one be in telling the courts that they will have to work harder? It's got nothing to do with the number of cases they are getting through, it's to do with the fact that people are waking up, becoming more open-minded and educated on a subject that has previously been shunned. All the courts are trying to do is free up resources to convict rapists and murderers who, incidentally, often spend less time in prison than drug offenders . I therefore find W Arnot's comments offensive, as would the judicial system . If we so proudly hail liberty then let's deliver real justice for all. David Macmillan, Brixwold View, Bonnyrigg - --- MAP posted-by: Derek