Pubdate: Mon, 08 Jul 2002
Source: Washington Times (DC)
Copyright: 2002 News World Communications, Inc.
Author: James Morrison


The U.S. ambassador to Bolivia may receive an unwelcome gift from a 
Bolivian presidential candidate who chews coca leaves on the campaign trail 
and opposes U.S. efforts to eradicate the raw product used to make cocaine.

"I will send him a little coca leaf as a gift," Evo Morales said in a 
Bolivian newspaper interview.

Ambassador Manuel Rocha is unlikely to accept the present. He has warned 
Bolivians that U.S.-Bolivian relations could be harmed if Mr. Morales 
becomes president.

Last week, Mr. Morales was running third in the vote count from the June 30 
election. Because no candidate received a majority of the vote, the 
Bolivian Congress is expected to choose a president by Aug. 3.
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