Pubdate: Sat, 13 Jul 2002
Source: Greenville Advocate, The (AL)
Copyright: 2002 None found
Note: This is the tenth story in a 13-week series that focuses on drug 
addiction in Butler County. This is also the third of three stories that 
will focus on substance abuse treatment.
Note: Gary W. Smith is Executive Director of Narconon, a non-profit 
organization established in 1966 to help people get off drugs.  He has been 
active in the field of drug prevention for over 30 years.
Editors Note: An index to other articles in the series is attached at the end.


Once an addict has been through treatment there are three main reasons for 
relapse: 1) mental and physical cravings; 2) depression; and 3) guilt 
associated with the moral degradation and dishonesty that becomes part of 
an addict's life style. These manifestations can haunt someone for years 
after they have sobered up and more times than not, if left untreated, will 
trigger a relapse.

These unresolved symptoms, whether physical or mental in origin, create an 
underlying, low-level type of stress which cannot be completely ignored by 
the addict.

The addict can "just say no" a thousand times, but it only takes him saying 
"yes" one time to start the cycle of addiction again. The first barrier to 
successful recovery from substance abuse is overcoming the mental and 
physical cravings for the drug of choice.

Drugs and alcohol are broken down and filtered in the liver.

There is a byproduct from this detoxification process called a metabolite. 
These protein-based metabolites can and do find their way into the person's 
body fat. Keep in mind that each time anyone has ever used a drug or 
alcohol, they have a complete recorded memory of that life experience. 
Whether good times or bad, happy or sad, all emotions, feelings and 
sensations that were present at the time the drug or alcohol was ingested 
is filed away in the person's memory.

Even if a person is in a blackout, the experience is still recorded in the 
mind. So each metabolite is connected to a memory of the life experience 
related in some way to the drugs or alcohol at the time they were consumed. 
The body will metabolize and burn fat any time a person undergoes a life 
experience that causes the heart rate to speed up. Stress can do this, as 
can strenuous exercise or intense emotion.

We all experience these things on a fairly regular basis. When an addict 
experiences these life situations and their heart rate speeds up the body 
begins to mobilize and burn fat. The fat contains toxins or metabolites 
from past alcohol and drug use. As the fat cell burns, it releases the 
metabolite back into the person's blood stream. The metabolite is a 
byproduct of the drug. That metabolite is connected to the memory of the 
life experience in which the drug or alcohol was taken.

The toxin finds its way back into the blood stream and acts as both a 
physical and mental reminder of the drug or alcohol consumption. It also 
acts as a reminder of the emotional effect the person experienced after 
consumption. In short, the toxin re-enters the blood and triggers or 
stimulates a physical reminder of the drug or alcohol and the memory of 
feelings, thoughts, sensations and emotions connected to that experience. 
The person remembers feeling and thinking like they did in the past when 
they were under the influence and so are prone to relapse at these times. 
The reactive compulsion to continue to use drugs or alcohol is, in part, 
caused by the drug's interaction with the body's natural chemistry.

Some of the body's natural chemicals act as a built-in reward system that 
encourages us to eat exercise and procreate. Other of the body's natural 
chemicals act as natural pain killers that activate when we physically 
injure ourselves.

In short the natural chemicals are directly related to our physical 
survival and or well being. As a person's addiction develops the brain and 
body identify the drug as an aid that either enhance the release of or 
replace these natural chemicals.

As the person starts to use chemicals on a regular basis, the body becomes 
depleted of key nutrients and amino acids.

Amino acids are the building blocks for natural chemicals called 
neurotransmitters. These nutritional deficiencies prevent the body from 
receiving the nutritional energy necessary to produce the natural chemicals.

The brain gets fooled as it has identified the drug or drink as an aid to 
releasing or replacing the natural chemicals. This is what causes the 
uncontrolled compulsion an addict feels to continue to use. This compulsion 
is so strong within the individual that the desire to use more drugs or 
drink overrides the negative and often times life threatening consequences 
an addict is faced with on a day to day basis.

The drug or alcohol gets misidentified as an aide to the production and 
release of the natural chemicals when in fact it is suppressing the body's 
ability to manufacture neurotransmitters.

Part 1
US AL: From Use To Addiction - The Stages Of Drug Use

Part 2
US AL: Drug Use Through The Ages

Part 4
US AL: Drug Policy From 1870 - 1970

Part 5
US AL: Drug Policy Since 1970

Part 7
US AL: Does Treatment Really Work?

Part 8
US AL: Overcoming The Barriers

Part 9
US AL: On The Road To Recovery

Part 10
US AL: The Barriers To Successful Recovery
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart