Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Copyright: The Hamilton Spectator 2002 Contact: Details: Referenced: Author: Wayne Phillips Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) REGULATION IS THE ANSWER RE: 'Britain is right to ease law on pot possession' (July 12). This Spectator editorial is right in stating: "Decriminalization (of marijuana) would allow police to focus resources better. It would add more credibility to our resolve against cocaine and heroin and all the acronym-labelled chemical cocktails. It is, in the end, the right thing to do." However, regulation of cannabis remains a superior solution. Decriminalization of simple possession of cannabis would simply establish a system of ticketing; fines ultimately could still lead to incarceration, either because of failure to pay or the number of times caught. Decriminalization would not address the multitude of problems inherent with prohibition. Dr. Patrick Smith, of Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, told the Senate special committee on illegal drugs: "If we discovered three drugs today and they were alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, there isn't an expert in the country who would recommend that marijuana be the one that is banned based on individual and societal harm." On that basis, prohibition of cannabis is a mistake and creates problems where there need not be any. It is this same policy that is the catalyst fuelling marijuana grow operations. Government could better safeguard the public while striking a major victory against illegal grow operations by regulating, licensing and/or taxing marijuana like alcohol. Wayne Phillips, Hamilton. - --- MAP posted-by: Jackl