Pubdate: Sat, 27 Jul 2002
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2002, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Rachel Evans
Bookmark: (Raves)


Youngsters dancing up a storm at rave clubs may have some unexpected 
company: the mayor.

Mayor Bill Smith has periodically been visiting raves in the city for years 
to see if there is any need for concern or action on the city's part, and 
is now checking out how its year-old bylaw is working.

"I'll be visiting them myself, personally," he said. "I was out a couple of 
months ago and I intend to go out again, probably in August sometime."

Edmonton's mayor was so concerned about drug abuse in the city that in 2000 
he began to visit rave dances, which have been linked to use of the drug 
ecstasy. He went as an observer with police.

"It's part of what I do on a regular basis. I go out with the police to 
different parts of the city," Smith said.

"I'm going to be doing a follow-up with the raves. The weather was cool 
when I went in March, so I didn't get a good feel for the crowds. It'll be 
better in August."

After months of complaints about noisy downtown rave parties, city council 
waded into the issue to pass a new bylaw last year.

The new rave bylaw, passed in August 2001, barred entry to such events to 
those under age 16. The bylaw also requires dance operators to obey a host 
of regulations on health and safety or risk a fine of up to $2,000.

"I want to see what effects the bylaws have had," he said. "Are they 
adhering to it? Have they made some positive steps forward? These things 
can be a lot of fun and we want to make sure they are safe."

Smith said he talks to the young people at the raves while police go and do 
their own thing.

"I'm always impressed they do ask me to dance," he said, chuckling. "I'm 
always impressed they even know who I am."
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