Pubdate: Fri,  2 Aug 2002
Source: San Antonio Express-News (TX)
Copyright: 2002 San Antonio Express-News
Author: Ihosvani Rodriguez


A copy-machine repairman caught in San Antonio's largest police corruption 
case was given an 18-month sentence Thursday.

Albert Mata, who pleaded guilty late last year to charges of aiding in the 
transportation of drugs, was one of two civilians collared in the FBI drug 
sting that netted 10 San Antonio police officers last year. Most were 
charged with similar charges of participating in a drug transaction that a 
" unknown to them a " was staged by the FBI.

Court documents state that in 1998, an FBI informant paid Mata $1,000 to 
fetch from an airport locker a duffel bag containing 13 pounds of what he 
believed was cocaine.

In pleading for a short sentence on Thursday, Mata's attorney Jerry Rivera 
pointed to his client's clean record and the fact that the incident at the 
airport was his only role in the three-year undercover investigation.

After issuing the sentence, U.S. District Judge Ed Prado recommended that 
Mata be enrolled in a boot camp program instead of serving time in prison. 
Mata was allowed to leave the courthouse on bond until prison officials 
decide where to place him.

Of the original 12 defendants, 10 entered guilty pleas and one was found 
guilty at trial. Another, former sheriff's deputy Richard Rowlett "Bucky" 
Buchanan, entered into an agreement known as pretrial diversion, meaning 
his theft charge will be dropped if he successfully completes a year under 
federal supervision.

Three of the defendants, Conrad Fragozo Jr., Lawrence Bustos and David 
Anthony Morales, still are awaiting sentencing.
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