Pubdate: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 Source: Deseret News (UT) Copyright: 2002 Deseret News Publishing Corp. Contact: Details: Author: Erik Luna Note: Erik Luna is associate professor of law at the University of Utah and author of "Misguided Guidelines" to be published by the Cato Institute. SENTENCING SYSTEM A PETRI DISH FOR POLITICAL OPPORTUNISTS Watching the market these days is enough to make a stockholder seasick. Americans have weathered the turbulence of Wall Street before, but the Titanic-size dive of some of capitalism's apparently unsinkable enterprises has sent many investors scrambling for life preservers. To a certain extent, the market plunge was preordained by a giddy exuberance for any high-tech venture, no matter how frivolous, guaranteeing that the dot-com bubble of the '90s would burst in spectacular fashion. What has turned investor despondence into rage, however, are the ongoing revelations that some captains of industry were involved in corporate shenanigans that would make robber barons blush. Now people want blood - and in an election year, national politicians are more than eager to quench this bloodthirst with tough rhetoric and legislation. As might be expected, the sometimes hysterical calls for reform went beyond civil business regulation and into the arena of criminal justice. In a speech to Wall Street, President Bush proposed an increase in the maximum sentence for mail and wire fraud, and called upon the U.S. Sentencing Commission to enhance punishment for corrupt executives. Since that time, federal lawmakers have fallen all over themselves trying to look even tougher, offering both newfangled business crimes and harsher punishments for existing offenses. As Rep. Michael Oxley quipped, "Summary executions would get about 85 votes in the Senate right now." This past Tuesday, a corporate reform bill was finally signed into law. Among other things, it creates a new crime for executives who submit false financial reports and increases the punishment for securities fraud to 25 years in prison. But there are good reasons to be skeptical about the use of the federal criminal justice system as a tool of corporate reform. To begin with, most of the proposed changes would have little if any effect on the prosecution of white-collar criminals. Virtually all of the recent corporate misconduct can (and will) be handled with crimes already on the books. In turn, the increased punishment provides little more than prosecutorial convenience, given that any experienced assistant U.S. Attorney knows how to "stack" or multiply fraud charges to obtain the desired sentence. No matter - the effectiveness of criminal legislation is often less important to politicians then the sound bites it produces. Think of Polly Klaas, the 12-year-old murder victim whose image was exploited by campaigning politicians in support of California's infamous "Three Strikes and You're Out" sentencing law. Officials didn't seem to care much that "Three Strikes" was theoretically deficient, enormously expensive, and downright cruel in some applications. Instead, most political candidates rode this morally and economically bankrupt law all the way to election-day victories. Consider also Congress' enactment of harsh punishment in the wake of the crack cocaine hysteria of the 1980's. Although politicians pointed to it as evidence of their toughness on crime, the legislation has had little effect on drug markets while inundating federal prisons with disproportionately minority and low-level offenders. In a very real sense, then, the recurrent use and abuse of sentencing laws for political gain, particularly by federal officials, represents an ongoing fraud on the American people. Quick fix solutions implicating the federal criminal system - creating hybrid crimes, for instance, or toying with the amount of punishment - help elect politicians, all of whom know (or should know) the limited and sometimes negative consequences of their latest social panacea. More importantly, sentencing machinations for political ends have spawned a Moby Dick-size red herring on the problems with punishment in federal court. Unknown to many Americans, federal sentencing is controlled by a largely unaccountable and insulated agency, the U.S. Sentencing Commission. This "fourth branch" of government has assumed Congress' power to make criminal law and usurped much of the judiciary's traditional authority over criminal punishment. Through its enactment of mandatory "sentencing guidelines," the Commission has all but eliminated the ability of trial courts to mete out individualized punishment and simultaneously expanded the power of federal prosecutors, giving them another tool to squeeze out information and guilty pleas from defendants. With unique prosecutorial authority over penalty reductions and lenient rules of evidence at sentencing hearings, federal law enforcement needs more leverage in the criminal process like Arthur Anderson needs more shredders. The congressional propensity to criminalize and punish only obscures real scandals: Federal sentencing law is determined by an unconstitutional "junior varsity Congress"; the guidelines have drastically shifted authority from judges to prosecutors, remak-ing the former into little more than rubber stamps during sentencing; and defendants are being punished under a confusing, hypertechnical, mechanical process that treats people like widgets rather than human beings. Like most Americans who have lost their shorts over the past weeks and months, I have little sympathy for corporate executives who swindle innocent investors and irreparably damage their companies and employees to boot. But I also lack compassion for political opportunists who use the criminal process as a means to capitalize on gut-wrenching events. If federal officials were really serious about their jobs - and the sentencing regime erected under their watch - they would stop tinkering with federal punishment for personal, electoral gain and start talking about large-scale reform of a broken penal system. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth