Pubdate: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2002 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Jennifer Field Referenced: FERRY OPERATION A WASTE OF RESOURCES Re: "Police dogs sniff out pot on ferries," Aug. 1. Operation High Seas? In Active Pass? So this is how the money is being spent. At the very least, we, as citizens, should expect to see our finest rounding up some Hells Angels, or perhaps an Asian drug ring, but, as usual, all they managed to reel in were two or three poor shmucks from Lasquiti Island and Lantzville who are probably just trying to eke out a meagre, peaceful living far from the madding crowd. If we have to have a police state operating on the ferries, while they're at it, couldn't they at least check for guns, boozed up drivers, guys on the lam and the like? When will we learn and stop blindly following the U.S. with their fanatical, hopelessly outdated approach towards marijuana, a benign and gentle drug that has never once in recorded history caused an overdose, a drug that should be studied and utilized for its already widely known beneficial medicinal values. The fact is, prohibition is not working , and never has worked, and the sooner we stop sending good money (and men and dogs) after bad, the better. Jennifer Field, Victoria. - --- MAP posted-by: Tom