Pubdate: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 Source: Tennessean, The (TN) Copyright: 2002 The Tennessean Contact: Details: Author: Bill Deckard WAR ON DRUGS NEEDS MORE FUNDING To the Editor: Henry Brackin's letter Aug. 7 (''Lengthy war on drugs accomplished nothing'') demands a response to which I would like to say the following: There are already 44,000 gun laws on the books nationwide. To make that statement simpler, there are sufficient laws already, if only these laws would be enforced and the offenders sentenced under those same laws. While drugs and gangs do go hand in hand, everything possible is being done to bring this situation under control. However, the previous administration drastically cut the funding amounts that had been set aside to fight the ''war on drugs.'' The ''Roaring Twenties'' are 80 years old, and so is the Prohibition. Prohibition did not work then; it will not work now. The major cause of its failure was the non-compliance with the law. How would Mr. Brackin suggest we, as individuals and as a nation, encourage young people to work and earn their way when all they see is ''the glitter'' from their ill-gotten gains? These kids don't see any value in working for a living. (Is this caused by parental failure or by failure of society as a whole?) Legalizing drugs is not the answer since the dealers would only steal the drugs and sell them more cheaply to whomever, which is exactly what happened during Prohibition. Allowing the government to control anything is like letting the fox guard the henhouse! The gangs are still present and so are the bootleggers - and so is the Mafia/syndicate. Lip service has been given to the problem, but no solutions are offered. When everybody becomes truly involved, then just maybe this mess will stop. Bill Deckard Tiptonville 38079 - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom