Pubdate: Thu, 15 Aug 2002
Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Copyright: 2002 Associated Press
Author: Associated Press


MIAMI -- The 18-year-old son of Miami-Dade County's top prosecutor was
arrested Thursday for allegedly trying to carry marijuana onto a flight to
Puerto Rico.

Justin Rundle was about to board the flight with his mother, State Attorney
Katherine Fernandez Rundle, and her sister when screeners at the Miami
airport found a pipe and 3 grams of suspected marijuana in his pocket,
police spokesman Robert Williams said.

Justin Rundle was allowed to board the American Airlines flight, but an
airline official later made him return to the gate.

The boy was released to his father. Police said his mother did not accompany
him to the police station and did not leave on the flight.

Ed Griffith, a spokesman for the state attorney's office, said it was a
"private matter" and he did not have any information.

Last year, Justin Rundle was charged with driving under the influence and
careless driving after he crashed a car registered to his mother into a
ditch. His driver's license was suspended for six months, he paid a fine of
$1,150 and performed community service.
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