Pubdate: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 Source: Sudbury Star (CN ON) Copyright: 2002 The Sudbury Star Contact: Details: Author: Trevor Wilhelm SUDBURY IS A 'HELLS ANGELS TOWN': COPS While They're Involved In Prostitution, Police Say Their Main Source Of Cash Is The Drug Trade Local law enforcers hope a provincial funding announcement on Thursday to crackdown on outlaw biker gangs will help quell the Hells Angels' lucrative drug trade in Sudbury. 'It's a Hells Angels town,' said Sgt. Peter Koop, of the Greater Sudbury Police Service and a member of the provincial Biker Enforcement Unit. 'It's a great concern here in Sudbury. Any outlaw motorcycle gang -- patch-wearing members in your town -- it should be something to be concerned about.' Public Safety and Security Minister Bob Runciman announced Thursday that the Ontario government is investing $3 million in the province's Biker Enforcement Unit (BEU), boosting its budget to nearly $6 million, to help police strike a blow against outlaw motorcycle gangs. 'The idea is to help them target the bad guys and keep these gangs in check,' said ministry spokesman James Wallace. The BEU, formerly called the Provincial Special Squad, is made up of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and representatives from 17 municipal police services across Ontario, including Sudbury. Staffing has also been increased to 102 officers. Members of the BEU said the money and extra officers would help them in their cause. 'It takes money to fight organized crime,' said Koop. 'There will be more deployment of biker enforcement officers within the province. We're also looking at the associated equipment for those individuals, being vehicles and other items to assist in any investigation.' OPP Det. Insp. Don Bell said the resources are needed. 'Organized crime is a tremendous problem for all of Ontario,' said Bell. 'It's the No. 1 priority for law enforcement in the province. 'It's supported by all the chiefs of police, including the chiefs in Northern Ontario.' He said there are currently about 500 motorcycle gang members in Ontario 'They're having quite a significant impact in Northern Ontario,' said Bell. Koop said there aren't many outlaw bikers actually living in Sudbury now, but their presence is felt. 'We are down to three patch-wearing members and all three are attached to Simcoe county Hells Angels,' said Koop. 'Weekends, you'll usually see quite a few of the Simcoe members attending here in town to bolster their numbers and have their presence here.' While the Hells Angels are involved in prostitution in Sudbury, said Koop, their illicit activity of choice is the drug trade. 'Drugs in this city is controlled by the Hells Angels,' said Koop. 'It's a big money-making enterprise for them. There are other endeavours they're certainly in, be it prostitution, escort services, stuff like that. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth