Pubdate: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 Source: East Valley Tribune (AZ) Copyright: 2002 East Valley Tribune Contact: Details: Author: Randy Meyers Bookmark: (Cannabis) Bookmark: (Incarceration) Bookmark: (Treatment) I'M IN HIGH-SECURITY FOR 4 1/2 GRAMS OF POT I spend 23 hours per day in a six-by-eight cell in 100 degree heat--highest level of security on the sixth floor of the Madison Street Jail. Treatment isn't part of this program. My conviction was per ARS 13-3405 (A-1), possession of 4 1/2 grams of marijuana. I am diagnosed with glaucoma and had surgery secluded on eye disability. I've served eight months and will be released in 60 days, but I'm not better. The county attorney says he advocates "treatment" but wants the authority to jail. Treatment is a moot issue when the sheriff boasts how he treats animals better than inmates. The only solution is to decriminalize pot and concentrate on real drug abuse. Please vote yes on Proposition 203 on Nov. 5. Randy Meyers, Maricopa County Jail, Phoenix - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager