Pubdate: Wed, 28 Aug 2002
Source: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (TX)
Copyright: 2002 The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal


MOST TEEN-AGERS, even if they do not intend to smoke marijuana, either know 
where to buy it or know someone who can find it for them.

In fact, a recent survey by the National Center on Addiction and Substance 
Abuse indicated that buying marijuana is easier for teens than buying 
cigarettes or beer.

If that doesn't startle the daylights out of parents, it should.

Teen-agers talk often about drugs, alcohol and sex. The problem is that 
most of such conversations are with other teens rather than with their 
parents, who are the people with whom they should be discussing the subjects.

Parental involvement is the best defense teen-agers can have against the 
many temptations that they have to face.

Calm, non-judgmental talks between parents and children about drugs, sex 
and alcohol can be a powerful weapon against such things as peer pressure.

In a world where teen-agers receive messages from movies, musical artists 
and other popular culture that drug use is glamorous and where too many of 
their peers talk positively about drugs, young people need re-affirmation 
from their parents that drug use would be harmful for them.

It is a difficult world to grow up in, and teen-agers have to make many 
difficult choices. Parents can help them to develop fortitude against 
making bad choices simply by talking things over with them. It is time that 
will be well spent for parents and teens.
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MAP posted-by: Beth