Pubdate: Thu, 22 Aug 2002
Source: Daily Home, The (Talladega,  AL)
Copyright: 2002 Consolidated Publishing
Note:  also listed as contact


Illegal drugs know no geographic boundaries. They are just as liable to 
show up in the highest priced neighborhood as they are the lowest. They 
make no racial distinction, or age, or gender.

And they certainly don't gravitate toward only one church denomination, 
they know all denominations.

That's the reason that the First Baptist Church of Talladega is presenting 
a non-denominational drug awareness seminar this Sunday at 6 p.m. "What you 
hear might save your child's life," promoters of the event proclaim.

And they are right. Armed with the proper knowledge, community members have 
a fighting chance to win the elusive war on drugs.

Talladega Circuit Judge Julian King requested the seminar because from his 
vantage point on the bench, he regularly sees "the destruction caused by 
drugs in our community."

He and other officials, like District Attorney Steve Giddens, Sheriff Jerry 
Studdard and Narcotics Deputy Capt. Cary Ward, know that they cannot fight 
the war on drugs by themselves. It is a community problem, and it will take 
a community to solve it.

The seminar is aimed at fifth graders and up to teens and adults and could 
be especially effective for both parent and child.

Dr. Clay Davis, Carol Hudson, whose only son died of an Oxy-contin 
overdose, and drug agent Mike Reese will headline the seminar, telling 
those attending about their experiences.

The headlines of drug abuse and drug-related crimes have become all too 
common. It's time to turn this growing trend around.

A solid first step is starting young to raise awareness.
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MAP posted-by: Tom