Pubdate: Sat, 07 Sep 2002
Source: Kitchener-Waterloo Record (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002 Kitchener-Waterloo Record
Author: Sharon Gingrich


In response to the "pot debate" articles, I am totally aghast that Senate 
committee members would consider legalizing pot for 16-year-olds.

Have they totally lost their senses? Why don't they just lower the drinking 
age while they are at it? I have no problem accepting the fact that 
marijuana will no doubt become legalized, but it must be done in a sensible 

Allowing children (at 16 they are still children with a great deal to 
learn) to think that they can deal with the effects of that drug in a 
responsible manner is ridiculous. Does the Senate committee not realize 
that these kids will think it's OK to smoke a joint and then get behind the 
wheel of a car?

Statistics already confirm that the No. 1 cause of teenage deaths occurs 
with driving accidents. Are we going to add another catalyst for potential 
disaster to this age group?

I sincerely hope that this committee does further research and rethinks the 
minimum legal age requirement. In my opinion, it would make sense to allow 
legal access to marijuana for those 19 years of age and older, as is the 
requirement for consumption of alcohol.

People must remember, marijuana may be organic, but it is still a 
mind-altering, reflex-diminishing drug. If it is to be legalized, it should 
be for adult use, not for our youth.

Sharon Gingrich, Waterloo
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