Pubdate: Sat, 07 Sep 2002 Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Copyright: 2002, The Globe and Mail Company Contact: Details: Bookmarks: (Cannabis - Canada) (Opinions) DON'T LEGALIZE POT, DECRIMINALIZE IT The best argument in support of legalizing cannabis can be found at a high school near you. Canada is awash in high-strength, homegrown marijuana. In urging that the drug be made available to anybody 16 or older, the special Senate committee whose recommendations were released this week has underscored a reality long familiar to teachers, police and substance-abuse experts: The punitive laws now in place do not work and will not. In the 12-to-17 age group alone, by the committee's reckoning, roughly one million Canadians have smoked pot in the past year, and as many as a quarter of that number do so daily. Yet in advocating a radical course that would make this country's cannabis laws the most liberal in the Western world, and open up a bitter divide among Canadians, the committee has gone too far. The status quo is not an option, but there is a less radical choice -- far from a perfect one, but the best of a bad lot and one whose implementation is long overdue. In line with numerous European countries, Canada needs to downgrade the seriousness of simple marijuana possession by decriminalizing it. This compromise solution is also familiar. More than 30 years have passed since Canada's Le Dain commission urged that cannabis be decriminalized; in the interim, the only thing that's really changed is the source and potency of the product. These days, countless thousands of illicit hydroponic "grow-ops" in Canada are churning out marijuana, much of it destined for the U.S. market and all of it boasting a THC content (the ingredient that gets you high) that dwarfs what used to be the norm. What has not changed is the core Le Dain premise that attaching criminal penalties to marijuana use does far more harm than good. The present law is widely and contemptuously ignored. Not only does it still gobble up large amounts of badly needed police and court resources, but also, and worst of all, thousands of pot smokers are saddled each year with a criminal record substantially more injurious to their future than the haze of a head full of marijuana smoke, particularly if they want to enter the United States. For that reason, the Senate committee's recommendation that an amnesty wipe clean the slate for the roughly half-million Canadians convicted of cannabis possession is welcome and should be acted upon. Equally laudable is its call for better access to medically prescribed marijuana for people undergoing cancer chemotherapy or suffering chronic pain. But as was realized long ago in the Netherlands, where the famous coffee shops belie the fact that cannabis technically remains banned, taking the leap to outright legalization would pose enormous difficulties. Fierce opposition from fellow members of the European Union has been the chief reason for the 26-year Dutch strategy of disregarding its cannabis laws rather than scrapping them. That hostility would pale compared to the howl of rage from south of the border were Canada to sanction and license a marijuana distribution system, as the Senate report recommends. Agreed, this country's drug policies should not be dictated by the United States. But neither should anyone underestimate the lasting cross-border complications that would instantly ensue. State control of the marijuana trade would crimp criminals' profits, the Senate committee says. In other countries that argument might hold water. But Draconian U.S. laws about drug cultivation have built Canada's marijuana-export business into a behemoth. Police and others gauge that hundreds of tonnes of expensive pot are grown and smuggled south, notably from British Columbia and largely by the Hells Angels and other organized-crime groups. If marijuana use were regulated in Canada tomorrow, that trade would continue unabated. And given that the Senate report calls for a tetrahydrocannabinol ceiling of 13 per cent, and that plenty of marijuana aficionados prefer something stronger, it would be remarkable if some of that marijuana did not remain at home to compete with the officially sanctioned product. The health factor, too, seems to have received short shrift in this report. The harm caused by marijuana has long been in dispute; committee chairman and Tory Senator Pierre Claude Nolin may be correct in asserting that alcohol and tobacco pose greater risks. But expanding the list of state-approved vices to include cannabis would dispatch the unmistakable message that its hazards are minimal. And they are not. It is one thing to argue that drug abuse should primarily be dealt with as a medical and social issue. But it's quite another to suggest, even implicitly, that drug-taking doesn't matter, least of all among teenagers as young as 16. No, smoking marijuana will probably not turn you into a drug addict. But yes, it can make you seriously (if temporarily) stupid, and commonly results in slowed reaction and a short-term memory loss that is, to say the least, at odds with scholastic achievement. Nor can the dangers to the smoker's lungs and (in the case of young people) hormonal development be dismissed. Federal Justice Minister Martin Cauchon knows all this, which is why he favours decriminalizing simple marijuana use, which would reduce an offence to roughly the same level as a traffic ticket. A House of Commons committee report later this year is expected to call for the same. Decriminalizing pot would still leave the issue in a grey legal area. But for now, it's the right way to go. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake