Pubdate: Mon, 09 Sep 2002
Source: Halifax Herald (CN NS)
Copyright: 2002 The Halifax Herald Limited
Author: Neal Dawe


Dear Editor:

The Senate committee report recommending the legalization of marijuana is a 
long overdue but welcome step in the modernization of Canada's drug policy.

The evidence is clear that cannabis is less harmful than legal substances 
such as alcohol and tobacco. Legalizing the product would generate millions 
in tax revenue and set the stage for mass hemp growing operations, which 
hold myriad opportunities for commercial product development.

The Canadian Police Association's objections are illogical and unfounded. 
The notion that because something is illegal, it is necessarily dangerous 
or "wrong" is flawed at its core.

The police association's comments about "drug pushers" are outmoded and 
laughable examples of propaganda from a misguided war on drugs. There is no 
such thing as "drug pushers;" the shady characters lurking in the shadows 
forcing kids to take drugs simply do not exist. Everyone knows where to get 
what he or she is looking for, and no one needs to "push" cannabis on anyone.

While few will argue that cannabis is a good thing that should be 
encouraged, the reality is that it is not addictive and not nearly as 
harmful as liquor or cigarettes. The medical use of cannabis should be 
considered a separate issue, but denying the sick and suffering a substance 
which can help them is simply cruel.

Congratulations to the Senate committee for their courage and foresight, 
and shame on the police association for their narrow-minded view of this issue.

Neal Dawe, Halifax
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