Pubdate: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 Source: Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Copyright: The Hamilton Spectator 2002 Contact: Details: Author: Jay Hunter Referenced: Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) BETTER USE OF POLICE RE: 'Legalizing marijuana: Utterly ludicrous' (Sept. 6). This letter writer expresses concern about teen drivers using marijuana, but doesn't offer any arguments against safe use by consenting adults. If impaired driving is an issue, the writer can take comfort in knowing that police -- freed from enforcing marijuana laws -- would have more time to watch neighbourhood roads instead of neighbourhood gardens. As Canada works at reforming drug laws, it should work on all of them. It should make driving under the influence an offence comparable to loading a gun and firing randomly into a crowd. Drivers know in advance that, if they go out to drink or do drugs, they will need a safe way home. If they don't go about securing one, the result -- in my view -- is premeditation to kill; it's saying their good time is more valuable than life. Jay Hunter, Pittsburgh, Pa. - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager