Pubdate: Mon, 09 Sep 2002
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: I. Lawrence
Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk


AM I the only one who actually read the article on DECRIMINALIZING
pot? Hey, get it right. The government doesn't want to legalize pot.
They want to decriminalize it.

What's the difference? If pot becomes legal then it can be sold in
stores and taxed like alcohol and cigarettes. If pot becomes
decriminalized then people that are caught with small amounts of pot
will not be charged. That's why the Canadian Police Association said
it would be a "back-to-school gift for drug pushers."

If you can't see well enough through your drug-induced haze to read
the paper properly, then don't write in to complain. For the record,
they should decide one way or the other instead of stopping halfway
with decriminalization.

I. Lawrence

(We see your point, but people were reacting to last week's Senate
committee report which did, in fact, recommend LEGALIZING pot)
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake