Pubdate: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 Source: Washington Post (DC) Page: A29 Copyright: 2002 The Washington Post Company Contact: Details: Author: Joseph A. Califano Jr. Note: The writer is president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. He was secretary of health, education and welfare from 1977 to 1979. TO REFORM WELFARE, TREAT DRUG ABUSE The welfare reform bills passed by the House and reported out of the Senate Finance Committee consign most of the women and children remaining on welfare to a cruel Catch-22: forcing them off the rolls without giving them the tools they need to stand on their own feet. We have come a long way since 1968, when Lyndon Johnson called the welfare system in America "outmoded and in need of a major change" and pressed Congress to create "a work incentive program, incentives for earning, day care for children, [and] child and maternal health services." With such reforms finally put in place a quarter century later, we have reduced the number of women and children on welfare from a peak of more than 14 million in 1994 to 5.3 million last year. But in the process, the character of the welfare population has fundamentally changed. In 1994 at least half the mothers (largely temporarily unemployed) and children on welfare were there for less than a year. Moving and keeping them off public assistance in a booming economy was relatively easy. Now comes the hard part: Today the bulk of mothers on welfare -- perhaps most -- are drug and alcohol abusers and addicts, often suffering from serious mental illness and other ailments. Most have been on welfare for several years. Moreover, women in the 1994 welfare population had an average of two children; those now on the rolls have an average of four children. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) has been testing CASAWORKS for Families, a demonstration program involving 700 such women at seven sites (one each in California, Oklahoma, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee and New York). The program provides integrated services such as treatment; literacy, job and parenting skills training; mental health and medical care; and assistance with housing and employment. CASAWORKS women are representative of the mothers with substance abuse problems remaining on welfare. On average, they have been heavy drinkers for five years and illegal drug users for eight. Most have been abused: 70 percent physically and 51 percent sexually. Seven of 10 suffer from depression and almost a third have attempted suicide. Three-fourths of these women have children younger than 6 and a third have children with serious medical, learning and behavioral problems. All confront the problems of poverty, such as inadequate housing, homelessness and despair. The administration bill passed by the House would provide just three months for substance abuse treatment and training for these women before they could be pushed off the rolls. The Senate committee bill, only marginally better, would provide six months. These women need at least a year, perhaps two, of concentrated substance abuse treatment and literacy, job and parenting skills training. With such help, and with their benefits conditioned on staying in treatment, a significant number will achieve economic self-sufficiency and become responsible parents. Preliminary evaluation of women in the program at the end of the first year is encouraging. Eighty percent have not used any illicit drug and 78 percent have not done any heavy drinking in the past month. At entry, only 16 percent were working part or full time; at the end of the first year, that figure had jumped to 41 percent, and the average amount earned had climbed from $50 a week to $250. The next round of welfare reform should not be an unrealistic exercise in self-congratulation by members of Congress, serving up more of the same and ignoring the salient differences and greater vulnerability of the population remaining on the rolls. To offer these women a few months of treatment is a penny-wise, pound-foolish gesture that denies them the ability to become taxpaying workers and responsible parents and condemns them and their children to more years of dependency, ill health and crime with enormous public costs. Several states, among them California, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee and New York, are struggling to make the investment required to help these families by providing such treatment and training. Others are likely to follow if the president and Congress put resources behind their rhetoric -- and give these woman a decent chance to be self-sufficient. The writer is president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. He was secretary of health, education and welfare from 1977 to 1979. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth