Pubdate: Wed, 18 Sep 2002
Source: Daily Record (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd.


DRUGS workers fear that a batch of super strength heroin is to blame for a 
spate of recent deaths in a Scots city.

Three addicts have died in Aberdeen since the beginning of the month.

And Janice Jess, of the Grampian Addiction Problem Service, believes the 
deaths could be linked with a recent seizure of UKP1million of heroin in 
the city.

She said: "Often after there's a big seizure the stuff that is being sold 
on the street is not cut properly.

"The dealers are less choosy about what they are buying and just want to 
keep their market going. They will sell any kind of gear.

"People may not be used to it or are just at the stage where their bodies 
can no longer handle it."

At the beginning of September, 49-year-old John Frater was found dead in 
flats on Aberdeen's Walker Road.

A week later, a 35-year-old man died after being found unconcious on nearby 
Menzies Road.

And two days ago, a 28-year-old woman was found dead in a flat on 
Girdleness Road.

A spokeswoman for homeless charity the Cyrenians said some heroin for sale 
in the city was stronger than usual.

She said: "If someone was just out of prison or had not taken drugs for a 
while then they could easily overdose."

A spokesman for Grampian Police said: "We are waiting for the toxicology 
results before we can be sure of the causes of death."

So far this year there have been 24 drugs-related deaths in Aberdeen.
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MAP posted-by: Beth