Pubdate: Sat, 21 Sep 2002
Source: Amarillo Globe-News (TX)
Copyright: 2002 Amarillo Globe-News
Bookmark: (Tulia, Texas)


Tulia is trying hard to understand the attitude of the nation that has been 
fed "dessert" by the media and Amarillo Globe-News columnist Greg Sagan. 
Let me paraphrase: Don't judge until you have walked in our community's shoes.

Does Mr. Sagan think we have not prayed for the innocent to be released, 
and for loved ones who are hurting? We also have prayed that the guilty not 
be released from their punishment and possible transformation. For that, we 
would be thankful and would welcome them back into society.

We have seen our black youth given scholastic and athletic scholarships. 
They had opportunities to help themselves and their families, and to 
influence others to make right decisions. They were popular in school, 
earned honors, were encouraged at church and work, and befriended by all. 
But they still have freedom of choice. They made theirs!

Does Mr. Sagan think there is not an ongoing search for the whites? When 
caught, they don't make the headlines. That story won't sell papers.

Mr. Sagan's admitting his past doesn't mean every person is guilty of the 
same. Some hearts are genuine, and Sheriff Larry Stewart has one of them. 
He wants our community spared the devastation of drugs.

Everyone has read the Tulia story. When the subject comes up, it gives me 
an opportunity to brag on the average, hard-working people of Tulia. We are 
survivors in a depressed economy of rural America.

Adversaries chartered a bus, loaded it with black children and others, and 
took them on a trip to Austin for a rebellious rally. Upon returning, one 
child said to the teacher, "We didn't know you didn't like us!"

Who colored that picture?

Glenna Reynolds

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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom