Pubdate: Thu, 26 Sep 2002
Source: Montreal Gazette (CN QU)
Copyright: 2002 The Gazette, a division of Southam Inc.
Author: George Kalogerakis


Lawyer Is Charged. Colombian Cocaine Destined For Hells, Mafia

The RCMP named reputed Montreal mobster Vito Rizzuto yesterday as part of a 
conspiracy to import massive amounts of cocaine, but did not arrest him.

"At this point, the investigation is still under way and there isn't 
sufficient evidence to proceed to an arrest," said RCMP Staff-Sgt. Andre 

Instead, charges were laid against a Montreal criminal lawyer who works 
with a law office that represents Rizzuto.

The lawyer, Jose Guede, was charged with brokering a deal with Colombian 
contacts meant to flood Montreal and Toronto with tons of cocaine.

Sources say the cocaine was destined for two groups - the Hells Angels in 
Quebec and an offshoot of the Montreal Mafia that is expanding into Ontario.

The charges against Guede show the Hells contact to be Steven (Bull) 
Bertrand, a good friend of biker kingpin Maurice (Mom) Boucher.

They are so close that Bertrand's wife was the constant companion of 
Boucher's girlfriend during his trial for killing two prison guards.

Bertrand, who is already in jail facing cocaine charges, was shot in March 
by the Bandidos while eating in a Park Ave. sushi restaurant.

The other contact is Juan Ramon Fernandez, considered by police to be the 
lieutenant of the Rizzuto family that is leading the expansion into Ontario.

Fernandez was arrested last week in Toronto on related charges.

A report on organized crime released last month said that expansion could 
lead to clashes between Rizzuto's clan and established Ontario mobsters.

Rizzuto's name figures prominently in the formal charges - three counts of 
conspiracy to import cocaine - laid yesterday against Guede.

This is just one of many times Rizzuto, 56, has been named a co-conspirator 
but not charged.

It also happened in 1994 when another Montreal lawyer, Joseph Lagana, was 
arrested for laundering drug money for the Mafia and was labeled Rizzuto's 
right-hand man.

Yesterday, Guede voluntarily surrendered to the RCMP in the morning before 
being arraigned in court in the afternoon.

Prosecutor James Brunton agreed to immediate bail, thus sparing the 
35-year-old a night in jail.

Guede works in the law office of Loris Cavaliere, who is representing 
Rizzuto on a drunk-driving charge. As well, Cavaliere employs two of 
Rizzuto's children, who are lawyers.

The arrest came after the RCMP finished an operation that targeted the 
importation of coke through Canada's ports. At least one shipping container 
was seized in Halifax and a small plane intercepted in Toronto.

Both were filled with drugs.

The RCMP used surveillance to observe meetings between crime figures in 
Canada and Colombian drug ambassadors.

Potvin said that a lawyer was approached by a criminal organization in 
Montreal to find an exclusive supply deal with Colombians.

"He prearranged a meeting between the suppliers and the actual recipients 
of the drugs," the Mountie said.

It happened between August 2001 and April of this year.

Police say the Colombian contact is Abraham Nasser, 41. The RCMP put out a 
warrant yesterday for the man, who is in his native country.

"We will ask the Colombian authorities to arrest him so we can proceed with 
his extradition in the next few months," Potvin said.

At Montreal's courthouse, Guede wore a grimace as he was arraigned wearing 
handcuffs. He agreed not to have any contact with Rizzuto, Bertrand, 
Fernandez or Nasser, and to put up $5,000 in bail money.

"He is as confused as I am about these charges," his defence lawyer, Joseph 
LaLeggia, said afterward.

Because he is presumed innocent, Guede will continue practicing law.

"He has the right to practice and earn his livelihood," LaLeggia said.

Gilles Pariseau, president of the Montreal association of defence lawyers, 
said the arrest does not sully the reputation of his profession.

"It is always a pity when a lawyer is arrested," he added.

Salvatore Mascia, a legal-aid lawyer, said Guede is a friendly, easygoing man.

"This comes as a total surprise to me," he said.
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