Pubdate: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 Source: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal (TX) Copyright: 2002 The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Contact: Details: Author: Courtney Crowley 'SOCIETY FULL OF HYPOCRITES' Re: The letter "Don't Legalize Everything" (A-J, 9-15). In an attempt to make the case for continued drug criminalization, a letter writer actually suggested that "God," during early creation, had experimented with Libertarianism! Unfortunately, according to the writer, "(God) quit using the Libertarian concept" essentially because it didn't work out! The obvious foundational implications this understanding poses to Abrahamic religions aside, I will simply pick up where the writer left off. Continuing: "God" then imposed the law. And after many years of failed yet brutal enforcement of that law, "God" wasn't pleased. For tyranny had crept into society. Henceforth, life under the law was difficult and unjust. Then, "God" chose to have a son in order that he, Jesus, would reform what "God's" law had so irrationally damaged. Jesus then spent his entire lifetime attempting to undo the damage the law had caused society. Unfortunately, all of his attempts at reformation of "God's" barbaric law were shunned. Indeed, Jesus was eventually executed as a result of his attempts. The point is we largely live in a society full of hypocrites much like in ancient Israel. We tend to be all too willing to point out the specks in others' eyes, yet we often wear shades in order to mask the logs that reside in our own. Simply locking folks up and throwing away the keys for being stoned makes about as much sense as stoning one's neighbors for failing to keep the Sabbath. We need a sensible approach to this nation's drug problem, not senseless solutions based on superstition. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens