Pubdate: Mon, 30 Sep 2002
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2002, The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Robert Matas


VANCOUVER -- A defiant group of British Columbians is to announce later 
today the official opening of what they call Canada's first marijuana 
factory, posing a direct and highly visible challenge to federal marijuana 

The facility on a street of rundown homes in a Vancouver suburb is set up 
to process a crop of 110 marijuana plants, from cuttings or seeds, into 
moist dark pellets that dissolve easily in olive oil or butter. The 
pellets, which contain concentrated doses of marijuana's psychoactive 
ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol, are called THC balls.

With consistent production standards, the producers say the process will 
offer marijuana users the option of ingesting the drug in a bowl of soup, 
biscuits, cakes and a wide variety of other foods. The federal government 
has sent out mixed signals about medicinal marijuana. Former health 
minister Allan Rock set up a system to distribute marijuana for medicinal 
purposes to hundreds of people but his successor Anne McLellan put brakes 
on the program.

For those not covered by the program, possession, cultivation and 
distribution of marijuana remains illegal. Canada spends between 
$300-million and $500-million annually on enforcement of the marijuana laws.

Michael Maniotis, spokesman for the group that is running the facility, 
said yesterday the factory is run under licences issued by Health Canada 
that exempt from marijuana laws those who are terminally ill. The THC balls 
produced at the factory will be given to three licence holders at no cost.

However, he declined to comment on the legality of the group's plans to 
distribute THC balls to physicians, researchers or others who may not have 
Health Canada licences for medicinal marijuana.

"The answer will be in the attitude of the federal government," he said as 
colleagues were arranging marijuana plants for display during the official 

"Is the government ready to chase down doctors who want to prescribe 
[marijuana] to their cancer patients?" he said.

The production line has been set up to show the federal government what is 
possible, he added.

"I hope we can eventually get a contract from Health Canada to provide this 
[the THC balls] to millions of ailing Canadians," Mr. Maniotis said.

Health Canada spokesman Andrew Swift said the federal government has issued 
817 licences to Canadians to possess marijuana for medical purposes and 214 
licences to allow production of marijuana for medical purposes. Health 
Canada has also designated 17 people to grow marijuana for a person 
licensed to use it, he said in an interview from Ottawa.

An officer who answered the phone at the police station said no one was 
available yesterday to comment on the factory.
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