Pubdate: Wed, 02 Oct 2002
Source: Logan Banner, The (WV)
Copyright: 2002 The Logan Banner


Banner Viewpoint

As we understand it from the many teenagers we have talked to, there is 
still a strong drug culture and illegal drug and alcohol abuse problem 
not-so-secretly taking place behind the walls of our Logan County Public 
School System.

Let's not kid ourselves, in today's world, no child is safe anymore; all 
will be tempted to follow this wrong road that leads to despair and 

We, as residents and community leaders, have a responsibility to do 
everything within our power to protect our children. We understand that a 
lasting solution will take time to fully implement. However, what's being 
done right now?

Do the current board members have a comprehensive plan to turn our county 
school system around? Do they recognize the seriousness of the problem? If 
so, we want to hear their solutions.

We offer our open invitation: Any board members, school principals, mayors, 
politicians, community leaders, pastors, or teachers who would like to tell 
us specifically what could be done, or what is being planned, or what has 
been officially initiated in the public school to curb the drug problem is 
encouraged to call us, 752-6950 - ask for the managing editor. We will 
gladly publish your comments and suggestions in this newspaper.

Drug abuse is tearing at the very fabric of this great county. We would 
like to think that there is an answer to this situation. We are willing to 
stand with any person or organization willing to stand up and make a 
difference - for the sake of our children.
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MAP posted-by: Beth