Pubdate: Fri, 04 Oct 2002
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2002 The New York Times Company
Author: Juan Forero


SARAVENA, Colombia, Sept. 27 - Casting a wary eye for rebel snipers, Lt. 
Felipe Zuniga and his counterinsurgency troops slog through the wet fields 
and patches of jungle here. Their mission has nothing to do with drugs - 
until now, the defining issue in Colombia for American policy makers - but 
instead with protecting a pipeline that carries crude to an oil-hungry America.

The 500-mile pipeline, which snakes through eastern Colombia, transporting 
100,000 barrels of oil a day for Occidental Petroleum of Los Angeles, is 
emerging as a new front in the terror war. One of Colombia's most valuable 
assets, the pipeline has long been vulnerable to bombings by Colombia's 
guerrilla groups, which along with the country's paramilitary outfits are 
included on the Bush administration's list of terrorist organizations.

Sometime in the next month, in a significant shift in American policy, 
United States Special Forces will arrive in Colombia to begin laying the 
groundwork for the training of Lieutenant Zuniga and his 35-man squad in 
the finer arts of counterinsurgency. Over the next two years, 10 American 
helicopters will bolster the Colombian counterinsurgency efforts, and some 
4,000 more troops will receive American training, which will begin in 
earnest in January, Bush administration and American military officials 
said in interviews in recent days.

The policy shift dovetails with the Bush administration's new, global 
emphasis on expanding and diversifying the sources of America's oil 
imports, with an eye to reducing dependence on Middle Eastern oil. That new 
approach, outlined in the administration's energy report issued last year, 
is gaining ever more importance with the threat to Persian Gulf oil 
supplies from the looming war with Iraq.

The $94 million counterinsurgency program is also an important element in 
the offensive by Colombia's new government against two rebel groups and a 
paramilitary force that dominate much of the country.

Pipeline bombings by the guerrillas cost the government nearly $500 million 
last year - a blow in a country where oil accounts for 25 percent of 
revenues. The two main rebel groups, which view Occidental as a symbol of 
American imperialism, have bombed the pipeline 948 times since the 1980's, 
while extorting oil royalty payments from local government officials.

The Colombian military has increased security recently, deploying five of 
the six battalions in the 6,000-man 18th Brigade to pipeline protection, up 
from just two battalions last year. As a result, the number of bombings has 
fallen to 30 this year, from 170 the year before, Colombian military 
officials say. But the goal is to eliminate the bombings altogether, they 
say, and to accomplish that they need help.

"We have been fighting here, but there are still so many things the 
Americans can teach us," said Lieutenant Zuniga as he led a reporter on 
patrol along the pipeline. "I think it is going to make us much better."

The final product, officials say, will be an offensive-minded unit of 
Colombian counterinsurgency analysts who will interpret intelligence data 
gathered from high-tech equipment and informers and then deploy 
rapid-response forces stationed at strategic points along the pipeline to 
thwart rebel attacks.

"The idea is to prepare troops for the war we are living," said Gen. Carlos 
Lemus, commander of the 18th Brigade, which will receive much of the 
training here in Arauca Province. "We will be able to do so much more, with 
better intelligence and helicopters. The idea is to find out when something 
is going to happen and react."

The training could not take place in a more dangerous area. Though the army 
base here - with its neatly pruned hedges, modern barracks and billboard 
featuring the fighting words of Gen. George S. Patton - gives an air of 
familiarity American soldiers might find comforting, Saravena itself sits 
in a war zone.

"What they can expect is lead," boasted a local commander for the 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the country's largest and most 
belligerent rebel group. "What else? That and cadavers."

Indeed, the rebels have flexed their muscles all year in Saravena, 
launching dozens of homemade rockets that have destroyed the airport 
terminal, the city hall, the town council chambers and the prosecutor's 
office. Policemen on patrol are frequently fired upon, and military 
officials say that despite the new deployment of Colombian troops the 
pipeline is still exposed to attack.

"With these bandits," said Lt. Col. Emilio Torres, a local army commander, 
"if you leave the pipeline alone even 24 hours, they can blow the tube."

Alert to the dangers, American military officials said the trainers, 
Special Forces soldiers from Fort Bragg, N.C., will be limited to 20 to 60 
and will be housed in specially fortified barracks.

Colombia's new president, Alvaro Uribe, also declared Arauca one of two 
security zones where military commanders can conduct searches without 
warrants, impose curfews and usurp some powers from local government - 
measures the United Nations says will erode civil rights.

Bush administration officials have said the reliable production of oil is 
imperative if Colombia is to have the resources to combat the guerrillas 
and paramilitaries. But oil is also critical to the national security 
planning of the United States, which by 2020 will count on imported oil for 
62 percent of its oil needs, up from half today.

Much of that new oil will come from the Americas, which already supply the 
United States with nearly 50 percent of its imported oil. Along with 
Venezuela and Ecuador, the Andes now provides the United States with more 
than two million barrels a day, about 20 percent of its imports.

Colombia will never be the sole solution to America's voracious appetite 
for oil. But the country is known for high-quality oil that is cheap to 
produce and easy to refine, and is thought to have significant potential 
reserves that could be rapidly exploited if the guerrillas and 
paramilitaries could be brought under control.

"We're becoming increasingly dependent on imported oil, therefore the 
strategic goal of diversification has become more and more important," said 
Michael Klare, author of "Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global 
Conflict." "The Clinton administration and now the Bush administration have 
explicitly stated that that one of the regions they have wanted to rely on 
in the future is the Western Hemisphere."

Many oil analysts say reliance on this region could greatly increase if the 
major producer, Venezuela, increased its production capacity and if 
Colombia - which shares many of the same geological features as Venezuela - 
achieved enough stability to allow widespread exploration.

"We don't really know what's there," said Ed Corr, a former American 
diplomat in Latin America and an expert on the strategic aspects of 
petroleum. "But we certainly would be wise in getting the country in such a 
situation where we can find out."

Washington's shift to counterinsurgency was made possible in July, when 
Congress rolled back restrictions that had limited American aid toantidrug 
programs. The drug war continues unabated, but the phasing out of those 
prohibition has been warmly welcomed by energy companies, which have been 
pressing for a wider role for the United States to improve the business 

"You'll see more interest on the part of more companies," Larry Meriage, 
spokesman for Occidental, said in an interview. "Given the fact that there 
is a significant amount of oil there, and the sheer mass of oil that 
remains under-explored, there is considerable optimism."

Occidental, well-versed in Colombia's troubles by virtue of its two decades 
here, is close to the Bush administration and has long lobbied for the 
United States to be more involved in the conflict.

According to the Center for Public Integrity in Washington, the company 
contributed $1.5 million to presidential and Congressional campaigns 
between 1995 and 2000. Occidental also spent nearly $8.7 million lobbying 
American officials on Latin America policy, largely regarding Colombia, 
from 1996 to 2000, according to disclosure forms filed with Congress.

Other oil and energy companies also spent handsomely, with Exxon Mobil 
Corporation, BP Amoco, the Unocal Corporation, Texaco and Phillips 
Petroleum spending about $13 million among them on Colombia and other 
issues in the same period, according to disclosure forms collected by the 
Center of Public Integrity.

"We see the oil companies leveraging their influence in Washington to move 
the United States toward a counterinsurgency policy," said Ted Lewis of 
Global Exchange, a San Francisco human rights group that closely follows 
business issues here.

Mr. Meriage counters that not taking strong action here could further 
weaken Colombia and its neighbors, which are economically dependent on oil. 
"We have long highlighted these problems," he said. "You see the potential 
danger of an entire Andean region being destabilized by the problems in 
Colombia. That's why this is important."

A tour of the Occidental facilities here in Cano Limon oil fields 
underscores the links between the company and Colombia's military. The 300 
or so troops stationed here wear patches featuring an oil drilling rig. New 
motorcycle patrols zip down a network of roads, while antiguerrilla patrols 
work their way through the jungle. Light tanks and heavily fortified 
bunkers are strategically positioned along the pipeline to deter attacks.

Two military aircraft - a helicopter and a Cessna - patrol the pipeline 
with gasoline paid for by Occidental, and military helicopters carrying 
troops on operations often swing by here to fill their fuel tanks. Even the 
brigade commander, General Lemus, drinks coffee from a mug bearing the Oxy 

"This is an island of security that we have here, thanks to the army," said 
one Occidental official.

The company is now producing nearly twice as much oil as last year at its 
212 wells. It has also signed contracts recently with the state oil company 
to explore three additional blocs covering 9,325 square miles.

"This is the Colombians' war to win, and they have to step up to the 
fight," said Brig. Gen. Galen Jackman, director of operations for American 
forces in Latin America. "And they have to put their country on a footing 
to be able to do that."
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