Pubdate: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 Source: Island Packet (SC) Copyright: 2002,The Island Packet Contact: Details: Bookmark: SHIFTING STRATEGY America Needs To Clarify Its Expanding Mission In Colombia One of the more serious cases of mission creep in the war against terror can be found in the rising U.S. military role in war-torn Colombia. What was originally cast as U.S. military aid to stamp out Colombia's cocaine production is becoming a U.S.-led effort to stamp out leftist rebels there. The strategy for closing the noose and furthering America's regional interests is problematic. The American people need to know what our priority is: drugs, the rebels or a stable supply of oil? All three are legitimate concerns for U.S. security, given the damage drugs cause to American society, the military stalemate in Colombia's civil war and the importance of a ready supply of oil in this hemisphere with the Middle East so unstable. But American troops are no substitute for the broad domestic reforms Colombia needs to improve internal security on its own. The new government of Alvaro Uribe has made progress, but deeper U.S. military involvement is premature. Under previous policy, the U.S. military role was largely restricted to support of Colombia's drug-interdiction efforts. In their expanded role, American troops will train Colombian soldiers and police to attack armed rebels and paramilitaries. The aid package includes 10 American helicopters and training for 4,000 members of the security forces. A major new objective is to secure a pipeline for Occidental Petroleum of Los Angeles, which the rebels have bombed hundreds of times, claiming it is a symbol of Yankee imperialism. The strategy marks a major shift. The risks of entanglement were always great, but broadening the focus from drugs to the rebels and the oil supply will give ordinary Colombians further reason to question America's true interests. Uribe should have waited until he had a stronger context for new U.S. military assistance. He needs to consolidate his power, show gains against the rebels and build a record of respect for democracy and human rights. Washington's role in the region had become more controversial even before the expanded military mission. Public opposition to aerial spraying of Colombia's drug crop has grown since a U.S. government report that the chemical mix, which the State Department plans to switch, might harm people and the environment. U.S. and Colombian officials also need to improve their effort to induce Colombian farmers to eradicate their coca crops. The plan, subsidized by American taxpayers, has fallen short of its goals, partly because of poor follow-up and distrust between farmers and the Colombian government. These steps would lessen the cynicism about American motives, and reduce the risk that our deeper military involvement will be counterproductive for us and for Colombia. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D