Pubdate: Wed, 16 Oct 2002
Source: Pahrump Valley Times (NV)
Copyright: 2002 Pahrump Valley Times
Author: Betty Kruk
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Nevadans for Responsible Law 
Bookmark: (Question 9 (NV))


The paid lobbyist from Washington, D.C., would like the public to believe 
that those opposed to Proposition #9 are resorting to lies. Not true. The 
petition that brought us to this point was conceived in lies, and the 
proponents continue to distort, hoping to make the people of Nevada believe 
that there is no harm in legalizing three ounces of marijuana.

Gary Booker was not replaced as a spokesperson. He's still speaking out, 
but he has grown weary of making appearances with Billy Rogers who cites 
figures as though he has memorized a lot of statistics. His figures don't 
make sense, and he can't prove what he is saying. He just hopes people will 
believe him.

Rogers likes to concentrate on medical marijuana - not legalization of 
three ounces. I am a recovering cancer patient. If I were on my deathbed, 
in severe pain, I would not want to smoke marijuana to relieve that pain. I 
would not be so selfish as to want something made legal which will cause 
great harm to young people and others who become addicts.

Question 9 is not about medical marijuana, which was legalized in Nevada in 
2000. It's about legalizing three ounces of marijuana, which will make 
available large supplies into each home.

The adverse ramifications to legalizing marijuana are horrendous from law 
enforcement to health and safety of all the people of Nevada.

Please don't be deceived by the distortions of those people who wish to 
thrust this nightmare upon the state.

Betty Kruk
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens