Pubdate: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 Source: Pahrump Valley Times (NV) Copyright: 2002 Pahrump Valley Times Contact: Details: Author: Suz Fox Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement) Bookmark: (Question 9) MORE OPINIONS ON POT FROM NEAR AND FAR (1 OF 6) (The) desire to keep too large of a proportion of our population in jail or with a record is commendable. Wanting to keep drugs illegal and uncontrolled, available to the underage is questionable. Moving too slow doesn't seem prison worthy. I myself have similar disdain for drinkers unable to control their urges, but feel he should be able to live life as he wants in the privacy of his home without endangering others. As for more drug testing, Canada stopped all testing, calling it a human rights violation. We could all learn by their lead and stop all testing, unless there has been an accident. I've been involved in the entertainment industry too; booze not pot has been a problem. The "many, many friends" lost because of drugs has nothing to do with pot; no one has overdosed on cannabis. If he runs with hard drug users they need treatment not prison. Suz Fox, snowbird Kalispell, Mont. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens