Pubdate: Wed, 06 Feb 2002
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)
Copyright: 2002 Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Author: Angela Galloway


A bit of booze from a caretaker to calm her 3-year-old nerves foreshadowed 
life for Vickie Macababbad.

By 13, she was hooked on the drugs she got from a family member. One night 
that year, she blacked out and awoke with crudely carved tattoos on her 
forehead and right hand. The next day, four friends scraped most of the 
indigo ink off with salt, a washrag and "plenty of beer."

By 40, she was the mother of three kids who lived with other people, 
selling her body to maintain her addiction and fighting off the men who 
beat her.

Then, a little over a year ago, she took on a lifetime of addiction in drug 

"I'm not doing it just because they want," said the petite 42-year-old, 
clenching a hardback of her new means of escape -- a fantasy love story. 
"I'm doing it because I want my life."

King County Drug Diversion Court is among a dozen such court-ordered 
treatment and supervision programs in Washington. Politicians, prosecutors 
and police groups want to see a lot more people in drug courts instead of 
jail, expanding the alternative to relatively small-scale dealers.

They say the state would save lives and money if tax dollars now spent 
locking up such dealers were used instead to help them kick their 
addictions. Drug court clients must take random drug tests, attend support 
meetings and appear in court regularly, or else face sanctions such as jail.

Drug courts like King County's are the focus of legislative negotiations to 
dramatically change state drug-sentencing policy. State lawmakers are 
considering a proposal, similar to one that failed last year, to reduce 
sentences for some dealers and funnel savings into treatment. But this 
year, it has won the backing of a broad range of lobbyists and politicians, 
from law-and-order Republicans to Seattle liberals.

Thurston County Superior Court Judge Richard Strophy says that for the same 
amount of money it costs to lock addicts up for 45 days in prison or 65 
days in county jail, government can pay for up to 18 months of 
community-based treatment.

Fifteen percent of Washington's prison inmates were convicted of 
non-violent drug crimes, according to the state Department of Corrections. 
Each prisoner costs the state $24,700 a year.

And when addicts restore their lives, it saves countless tax dollars for 
foster care, emergency room care, welfare and Medicaid, said Sarajane 
Siegfriedt, director of the Association of Alcoholism and Addiction Programs.

"They probably could have saved a lot of money on me if they had paid for 
treatment 20 years ago," said David Hanson, a 40-year-old auto mechanic 
from West Seattle who graduated from King County's drug court in May 2000.

He's been clean since, he said, and now has his own apartment, a couple of 
cars and a 2000 Suzuki Intruder 1500cc motorcycle.

By the time he was busted for heroin possession in the spring of 1999, 
Hanson had spent 11 1/2 years behind bars and racked up 13 felonies -- each 
time stealing money for drugs, he said. He'd started experimenting with 
drugs by age 11 and graduated to intravenous drugs by 16.

"That kind of stuff intrigued me, I guess. I was one of the cool guys with 
long hair and platform shoes," he said. "I was a 'What do you got?' kind of 

In years past, Hanson said he reached out for treatment with little 
success. He made too much money as a mechanic to be eligible for treatment 
programs subsidized for the poor, he said. "But, then, I was still a junkie 
so I never could put enough money away."

He even called 911 and claimed to be suicidal, hoping the hospital would 
put him in a lockdown long enough to kick his habit.

Things changed for Hanson the day he was accepted into drug court. He was 
told to sit in the empty jury box and watch other addicts report to the judge.

"I sat there listening to these people time after time tell these lies," he 
said of excuses from "my sister stole my car" to a lost bus pass. "The 
longer I sat there ... the more I realized it was the same kind of stories 
that I had been telling my whole life."

Now, politicians want to expand that drug court alternative to addicts who 
sell to fuel their habit.

House Bill 2338 would cut prison sentences for some drug offenses and send 
the savings to local governments for programs such as drug courts. For 
example, manufacturing heroin or cocaine, delivering it or possessing it 
with intent to deliver typically brings first-time offenders a penalty of 
21 to 27 months. Under the bill, the sentence would drop to 15 to 20 months.

The dealers targeted by the proposal aren't violent or for-profit sellers, 
said King County Superior Court Judge Michael Trickey. They aren't driving 
BMWs and living in fancy condos, Trickey said. Most are homeless, 
unemployed and "every dime they have goes back to feed their own habit," he 

The state would still lock up true menaces, said King County Prosecutor 
Norm Maleng. But that approach doesn't work for most addicts.

"Almost all of the people that are going through the system (on dealing 
charges) are drug-addicted," Maleng recently told lawmakers. "We're 
recycling these people through and not a thing is happening."

The fate of the legislation rides on two issues: money and fear of 
election-year rhetoric.

Some politicians, including Democratic Gov. Gary Locke, want to siphon off 
any prison cost savings to pay for other parts of state government and help 
fill a budget hole of more than $1 billion. But many of the folks who 
support the proposal say they'd fight a plan to simply let dealers off more 

"That is the worst thing that we could do," Maleng said in one of several 
legislative hearings he's attended.Also, opponents say this is no time to 
get softer on drug dealers. For example, Republican Rep. Clyde Ballard of 
East Wenatchee said "no tolerance" is the only responsible policy for dealers.

And some of the proposal's backers fear that lawmakers will hesitate to 
vote for it -- for fear of being labeled soft on crime during an election year.

"It's not going to be easy," said Mercer Island Republican Rep. Ida 
Ballasiotes. Still, "this is something that I think is going to be done.

"I know treatment works. Drug courts have shown that."

After more than a year under the supervision of the King County drug court, 
Macababbad is four clean drug tests away from "graduation."

In early 2001, Macababbad was caught with a "nickel piece" of crack 
cocaine, not much by hard-core users' standards. She had two options: the 
intensive and tightly scripted drug court or up to 90 days in jail.

She opted for more than a year in treatment.

Drug court was no instant cure for Macababbad, who lives in transitional 
housing downtown. In fact, this is the sixth time she's been in such a 
treatment program. But this time it seems to be working. If her tests are 
clean, she'll likely graduate in March.

"I just got tired of being in jail, being homeless, being hungry, always 
stressed over the next hit."

Over the years, her forehead scar from the scraped-off tattoo has faded and 
the one on her hand looks more like a swirl of veins. A new peace of mind 
brightens the circles under her eyes that mark decades of the abuse and 
self-abuse that sometimes made her give up on herself.

"But God didn't. He never gave up on me. He always protected me," said 
Macababbad, neatly dressed for one of her regular court appearances in 
purple and pink, her sandy blond shoulder-length hair pulled back in a 
pastel scarf. "There were lots of times when I should have been dead."

Macababbad attends five counseling sessions a week and plans to study for a 
career making bridal gowns after graduation. She said drug court has helped 
her overcome decades of addiction because of its one-hour-at-a-time, 
one-day-at-a time simplicity.

"Learning how to deal with a less amount of time -- instead of forever and 
always. Those are some pretty big words for a crack addict like myself."

Drug court clients sacrifice substantial rights, including the right to a 
speedy trial. Often, their charges are reduced to a lesser offense. If they 
graduate, the charge is dismissed. If they don't, they are usually 
sentenced at the long end of the range.

Most offenders offered the drug court alternative decline and go to jail 
instead. Most who opt into drug court fail. In King County, 1,763 
defendants have entered treatment and 386 -- or nearly 22 percent -- have 
graduated. Another 423 are still in the program. The rest have been 
terminated. But studies have shown that only 9 percent of graduates had new 
felony charges a year after graduation -- a fraction of the rate for 
offenders who decline the alternative.

Drug court is all about increments and routine. Just showing up for drug 
tests is important, even if the client is using. It's about getting in the 
habit of being monitored.

That's what they told drug court newcomer Randolph Moore last week.

The homeless 31-year-old methamphetamine user said he'd give the program a 
shot, "because it gets me out of prison."

"They said it would be tough. It's basically a part-time job," said the 
squatter in a black quilted jacket and lots of rings. But, "being homeless 
is a full-time job."

Moore, who has friends who joke about being "drug court flunkies," quit 
using once for 35 days while in jail. The day he got out, he said, drugs 
were "the first thing I grabbed -- before a cigarette."

Asked if he expected to succeed this time, Moore laughed and rolled his 
eyes. "I'm going to have faith and say I will. It's going to be difficult 
when you don't have a place to live."

He does want to be clean and live in his own apartment away from friends 
who use, he said leaving the courthouse one day last week.

"I want a nice, secure building where nobody knows where I live," said 
Moore, who planned to buy some meth to share with his fellow squatters 
later that day.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom