Pubdate: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 Source: Reno News & Review (NV) Copyright: 2002, Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Ray Aldridge Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Nevadans for Responsible Law Enforcement) Bookmark: (Question 9 (NV)) ON GOLDEN POT Re "Just say 'no' to Q-9" [RN&R Letters, Oct. 17]: As a former resident of Nevada, I've been following the Question 9 campaign with great interest. In a recent letter, Betty Kruk stated: "I am a recovering cancer patient. If I were on my deathbed, in severe pain, I would not want to smoke marijuana to relieve that pain." Her reason? "I would not be so selfish as to want something made legal which will cause great harm to young people and others who become addicts." I certainly hope her recovery continues. But if it doesn't, will she really be willing to forego pain medication such as morphine, Oxycontin and other dangerous narcotics? After all, these substances are far more addictive and have caused far more loss of life than marijuana. The point is that Betty Kruk is within her rights to do without any medication she finds immoral. She should not presume to make that decision for anyone else. She and the other opponents of Question 9 need to learn that great human virtue known as "minding your own business." Ray Aldridge Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth