Pubdate: Thu, 31 Oct 2002
Source: Reno News & Review (NV)
Copyright: 2002, Chico Community Publishing, Inc.
Author: RN&R Editorial Board
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
Bookmark: (Nevadans for Responsible Law 
Bookmark: (Question 9 (NV))
Photo: By Debra Reid
Photo: Question 9 will prevent medical marijuana patients from having to go 
to dealers for their seeds or pot. It will also allow responsible adults to 
smoke it at home around their kids.
Note: Non-drug policy content snipped.


This Election Will Truly Decide The Future Of The Truckee Meadows

Ready. Get set. Vote.

What the hell is this? A 52-page sample ballot? What the heck's a 
perpetuity? Reno wants to know whether it should secede from Washoe County? 
How stupid is that?

Many voters probably thought they were going to breeze into the polls on 
Nov. 5, give Bob Cashell a pat on the back, flick that Bic at The Man for 
keeping pot illegal and tell the Reno City Council to shove that train 
trench where the sun don't shine--that is, until they saw the sample ballot.

We feel your pain. Our belief here at the RN&R is that the questions on 
this year's ballot will launch more voters from their Barcaloungers than 
will the various candidates. From the environment to schools to pot to the 
protection of marriage, it seems there's something motivating just about 
everyone to weigh in. On the other hand, some of these questions are so 
complex and so poorly explained on the ballots that we fear voters will be 
overwhelmed and stay home. Despite claims to the contrary, these ballot 
questions are written by lawyers for lawyers.

So we sent our reporters and editors out to talk to politicians, political 
scientists, educators, interested parties and bureaucrats to find out what 
these questions really mean. You can call it "dumbing down" or 
"interpretive," whichever makes you feel better. But, in some cases, we 
apply a pseudo-Wittgensteinian razor, "If it doesn't make sense, it is 
nonsense," so even the intellectually superior voter can feel good about 
our endorsements.

And please, don't take our word for it. Stop at the nearby watering hole a 
couple of hours before you hit the polls or bring your sample ballot to 
work. Read your sample ballot. Mark your choices on your ballot. You can 
consider our arguments if you'd like, but the stakes are truly too high to 
go unprepared to your polling place. And don't forget to tip your bartender 
or waitress.


Shall the Nevada Constitution be amended to allow the use and possession of 
three ounces or less of marijuana by persons aged 21 years or older, to 
require the Legislature to provide or maintain penalties for using, 
distributing, selling or possessing marijuana under certain circumstances, 
and to provide a system of regulation for the cultivation, taxation, sale 
and distribution of marijuana?

We've covered this issue until we're blue in the face. No, we don't like 
the lies told by supporters of the constitutional amendment. No, we don't 
like the lies told by opponents of this bill. No, we don't believe we've 
heard all the facts on this issue. No, we don't believe that medical 
marijuana users should have to go to drug dealers to get their medicine.

Yes, we're going to vote yes on Question 9.

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MAP posted-by: Beth