Pubdate: Sat, 02 Nov 2002
Source: Tennessean, The (TN)
Copyright: 2002 The Tennessean
Author: Chantal Escoto, The (Clarksville) Leaf-Chronicle


Army Spokesman Says Anxiety Of Afghan War Is Likely The Reason

CLARKSVILLE - The rate of illegal drug use by Fort Campbell soldiers has 
doubled in the latest round of routine testing, post statistics show.

Out of 23,500 urine samples tested, 518 - about 2.2% - came back positive, 
the results show. Testing was conducted between Oct. 1, 2001, and Sept. 30, 

The previous round showed 423 samples of 40,000 samples - or about 1.1% - 
tested were positive for drugs. That testing occurred Oct. 1, 2000, through 
Sept. 30, 2001.

Fewer samples were included this year because samples taken between January 
and March of this year were tainted and could not be tested, post officials 

Marijuana was the most frequently used illegal drug, followed by cocaine 
and Ecstasy.

Post spokesman Maj. Paul Fitzpatrick said he couldn't speculate as to why 
more tests came back positive. He did say, however, that illegal drug use 
among soldiers is not tolerated.

''Every soldier in the Army is a volunteer. They volunteered to serve our 
country. With that service, soldiers are expected to follow all rules and 
regulations,'' Fitzpatrick said. ''Drug use is wrong and either soldiers 
must adhere to these rules or seek another profession.''

Department of the Army spokesman Capt. Ben Kuykendall said he doesn't know 
Fort Campbell's circumstances, but added that as a former company commander 
he knows how the anxiety of war can impact soldiers and family members.

About 4,000 Fort Campbell troops returned in September after being deployed 
to Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of the war on terrorism. Soldiers 
usually are not tested regularly for drug use during combat.

''As an individual, I would think definitely, when you look at the reasons 
people use drugs, with deployments and whether they're going to come back 
alive or not,'' said Kuykendall, stressing the need for a substance abuse 
prevention program. ''I'm not a drug counselor but it makes sense to me 
that the increased stress and the war on terrorism would stand to reason.''
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens