Pubdate: Fri, 01 Nov 2002
Source: San Antonio Express-News (TX)
Copyright: 2002 San Antonio Express-News
Author: Sherry Sylvester, Staff Writer, Rebeca Rodriguez, Staff


A controversial campaign ad linking Democratic gubernatorial nominee
Tony Sanchez to the drug dealers who killed federal agent Enrique
Camarena has been taken off the air, but outraged San
Antonio Democrats insist Gov. Rick Perry should apologize.

The commercial, which features two former DEA agents who say the drug
dealers involved in Camarena's murder laundered millions of dollars
through Sanchez's thrift, was scheduled to be removed from television
stations around the state Thursday, according to Perry spokesman Ray

"The ad has been up for a week now. It's run its course, and has
reached the point of diminishing returns=A8 Sullivan said. He
resisted suggestions that the ad was being removed because of pressure.

The ad has produced several newspaper editorials and an outcry from
some Hispanic leaders who say it inaccurately links Sanchez to illegal
drug dealing while unfairly stereotyping Hispanics.

"He insults one of our own with seedy TV images that attempt to
ridicule who we are with cheap, false attacks=A8 local labor leader
Jaime P. Martinez said.

Henry Rodriguez, of the League of United Latin American Citizens,
called the ad an "insult=A8 and demanded that Perry apologize.

Sanchez has said that he and officials at his thrift knew nothing
about the money laundering and no one in his business has been
connected to the DEA agent's murder.

Sullivan called the ad "successful=A8 saying it was designed to
educate voters about Sanchez's bad choices when his bank became
involved with an international drug-laundering scheme.

The San Antonio Police Officers Association joined Perry on Wednesday
in San Antonio when he staunchly defended the accuracy of the ad and
dismissed charges that it stereotypes Hispanics.

But Dan Ramos, a Democratic activist who is also with LULAC,
charged that Perry's Hispanic law enforcement supporters are "Tio
Tacos=A8 or "Uncle Toms=A8 who are not part of the Hispanic

"Police officers are in their own culture" Ramos said. "I am
speaking to you from the community=A8Sgt. Rene Rodriguez, president
of the local police union, responded sharply.

"The fact that he would use a slur like that is a type of reverse
discrimination=A8 Rodriguez said. "Mudslinging is part of the
political process, but we try to stick to the issues=A8.

Rodriguez said the local police union endorsed Perry because of his
positions on law enforcement and questions about Sanchez's past.

Meanwhile, the Bexar County Law Enforcement Officers have endorsed
Sanchez. One of their members, Sgt. James Hutmacher, recently appeared
in a Sanchez ad disputing the DEA commercial.
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