Pubdate: Sun, 03 Nov 2002
Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)
Copyright: 2002 Canoe Limited Partnership
Author: Antonella Artuso


Growers Need To Be Punished: Security Head

TORONTO -- Canada is third only to Mexico and Columbia as a supplier of 
high-grade marijuana to the United States market, says Public Safety and 
Security Commissioner Bob Runciman.

"That's not something to be proud of," Runciman told Sun Media. "We can see 
the United States wanting us to play a more active role in dealing with this."

Runciman will push the federal government to bring in minimum sentences for 
pot house operators when he meets with his federal and provincial justice 
ministers in Calgary this week.

Runciman said local police officers cite "catch and release justice" as a 
key problem in the proliferation of pot houses.


Operators usually rent houses, steal electricity and leave the place in 
shambles and a fire hazard.

Offenders in the United States are usually handed stiff jail terms, but 
it's not unusual for convicted growers here to get a conditional sentence 
or short jail term.

"If you look at some of the penalties versus the potential profits ... it's 
a high profit-low risk business," Runciman said. "Somebody described it as 
a plague."

Organized crime, especially bikers, are believed behind many of the grow 

Police estimate that indoor marijuana growing is a $1 billion a year 
business in Ontario, the third largest agricultural cash crop.

Police services in Ontario executed about 160 warrants for marijuana 
growing in 2000, and 650 warrants the following year.

Runciman said police services are becoming reluctant to put in the 
time-consuming work required to bust a pot lab when the grower gets such a 
relatively light sentence.

It's estimated a small crop of 50 plants will yield annual profits of 
$55,000. Offenders can get 60-90 day jail sentences but more typically a 
conditional sentence.

An average size crop of 300 plants can net its grower $350,000 annually and 
a jail sentence of up to nine months. But it's not unusual to get a 
conditional sentence.

The penalty for someone caught with a large crop of 20,000 plants, which 
can produce $30 million annually, is an 18-month jail term.

Runciman said the sentences are far less severe than those in the United 
States where drug crimes can net the offender a life term.
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