Pubdate: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 Source: Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Copyright: 2002 Canoe Limited Partnership Contact: Details: Author: Frank Landry DIVISION'S DRUG TESTS PROBED Ombudsman Looks At Privacy Issues Manitoba's privacy watchdog is investigating to see whether a rural school division's landmark proposal to conduct random drug tests on student jocks complies with provincial laws. Provincial ombudsman Barry Tuckett said yesterday his office has been in contact with the Garden Valley School Division and informed officials they are conducting the policy audit. "I would love to know, and we will find out, whether their draft policy addresses the issue of who gets access (to test results), how long they are kept and when are they destroyed," provincial ombudsman Barry Tuckett told The Sun yesterday. "These are legitimate questions that the school division should have asked themselves, and may have." Draws Attention If the proposal flies, Garden Valley Collegiate in Winkler would be the first high school in Canada to mandate random drug tests. The proposal from deep within Manitoba's Bible Belt has drawn attention from across the country and if allowed to proceed, could be precedent-setting. Garden Valley vice-principal Dan Giesbrecht said the school will co-operate fully with the ombudsman and officials want to make sure the random drug tests comply with the law. But Giesbrecht said he doesn't understand why the proposed policy has received so much media attention, particularly because U.S. schools have been conducting similar tests for years. "We're not going to contravene something that's the law of the land," Giesbrecht said. "If ultimately it comes down and they say we can't do it or here's some things you can do and some things you can't do, we have to be open to that. We're not rednecks out here in that sense." Carolyn Duhamel, executive director of the Manitoba Association of School Trustees, said other divisions are watching with interest as the case plays out. But there is no indication anyone else in Manitoba plans to follow in Garden Hill's lead. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth