Pubdate: Wed, 06 Nov 2002
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2002 BBC


Psychiatrists are calling for caution in the move towards licensing 
cannabis-based medicines.

It follows research into a possible link between cannabis use and 

Two recent studies have shown that heavy use of cannabis is associated with 
a fourfold increased risk of developing the mental illness.

"There are some dangers to using high doses of cannabis that people need to 
know about," said Dr Deepak Cyril D'Souza, Associate Professor of 
Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine.

He said there was concern in the medical profession that people who smoke 
large amounts of cannabis for a long period of time are at higher risk of 
developing schizophrenia.

This needs to be kept in mind in the testing of new cannabis-based 
medicines, he added.

He told BBC News Online: "We need to do some kind of study to establish the 
psychiatric safety profile of these drugs."

Dr D'Souza presented new evidence on the link between cannabis and 
schizophrenia at the Institute of Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital in 

His research suggests cannabis may induce psychosis by its action on 
cannabinoid receptors in the brain.

He was speaking at the launch of the European Foundation for Psychiatry at 
the Maudsley.

Secret Crop

Cannabis-based medicines could be available in the UK within a year 
following promising results in clinical trials.

GW Pharmaceuticals, the company granted a government licence to carry out 
tests on cannabis compounds, announced on Tuesday that advanced phase III 
trials had been successfully completed.

The tests, the last stage of drug evaluation before approval, showed that 
cannabis-based medicines can help to relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

GW, which cultivates some 40,000 cannabis plants a year at a secret 
location in the English countryside, plans to seek marketing approval from 
Britain's Medicines Control Agency early next year.
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