Pubdate: Sat, 09 Nov 2002
Source: News & Observer (NC)
Copyright: 2002 The News and Observer Publishing Company
Author: Scott Williams
Bookmark: (Drug Education)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Now that the Wake County Board of Education has voted to "expand" its 
sex-education curriculum (news story, Nov. 6), maybe next they'll want to 
undertake a drug-education program. Since teens will invariably at some 
point experiment with drugs, it's good that teachers cover the variety of 
drugs and their effects. It's best to just say no to drugs, but teachers 
need to be ready to address the ifs, ands or buts, just in case teenagers 
do use them. We need to be tolerant of those who will be engaged in such 
behavior, as well as those who sell these substances, because we certainly 
would not want to offend them.

As ridiculous as this example is, it is unbelievable that five members of 
the school board have voted to allow the plans of the Wake County School 
Health Advisory Council to take effect. It should be clear what kind of 
agenda they have for our students, with mixed messages of "abstinence plus" 
and "tolerance." This does not bode well in their attempts to provide 
character education, which I don't believe can happen in a moral vacuum anyway.

I am all for being open and frank with students about matters of sexuality, 
but not when those providing leadership may not share the same value system 
or world view, especially those of the Health Advisory Council. Our youth 
deserve better.

Scott Williams

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