Pubdate: Tue, 19 Nov 2002
Source: Inland Valley Voice, The (CA)
Copyright: 2002 The Inland Valley Voice.
Author: Josh Kleinbaum, Inland Valley Voice
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Football: Rancho Cucamonga High Grad Jermaine Brooks Pleads Not Guilty At 
Arraignment In Arkansas.

Jermaine Brooks, a former standout football player at Rancho Cucamonga High 
and the University of Arkansas, pleaded not guilty Monday to seven felony 
charges during his arraignment in Fayetteville, Ark.

His trial was set for Jan. 29.

Brooks was arrested Oct. 22 after police raided his apartment and found 7.5 
pounds of marijuana, six guns, a bayonet and $16,841 in cash. Earlier that 
day, police had traced an additional three pounds of marijuana to Brooks, 
bringing the total to 10.5 pounds.

He was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to 
deliver, delivery of a controlled substance, possession of drug 
paraphernalia, and simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms. Two of 
the guns were later found to be stolen, the Associated Press reported, and 
Brooks was subsequently charged with possession of stolen weapons.

Washington County deputy prosecutor John Threet said the arraignment went 
just as expected, and he wouldn't be surprised if a plea bargain is reached 
before the trial.

"When cases seem to be fairly solid -- he even apologized on a television 
interview -- generally the defense doesn't want to run in there and try 
it," Threet said.

Threet considers the case against Brooks strong.

"But I've thought that before and I've been proven wrong," Threet said.

Before the arrest, Brooks, a tackle, was the Razorbacks' defensive captain. 
He started the first six games of the season, making 14 tackles. Arkansas 
Coach Houston Nutt dismissed Brooks from the team the day of the arrest.
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