Pubdate: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 Source: Traverse City Record-Eagle (MI) Copyright: 2002 The Traverse City Record-Eagle Contact: Details: Author: Tim Johnson Referenced: RELEVANT QUESTIONS I was disappointed by your reporter's headline story about Judge Thomas Gilbert's pot-smoking. To me, one of the biggest questions in this story is how the judge's criminal behavior came to light. We're told he "confessed," but not why; somehow I doubt that his confession was simply the result of a guilty conscience. How was it discovered that he'd smoked pot at a Stone's concert? Who played a role in this discovery? Was there not a single judge or other local official willing to comment on this lamentable spectacle? How many pot-smokers has Judge Gilbert sentenced during his tenure? Can he himself be brought up on criminal charges, and if not, why not? Basic, and highly relevant questions. This is news. Can we get the story? Tim Johnson Suttons Bay - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk