Pubdate: Wed, 20 Nov 2002
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Rob Lamberti


Hamilton Hit With 3 Attacks Since Sunday

Hamilton has been hit with three home invasions since Sunday and police 
believe the raids are being fuelled by drugs.

But East-End Division Det. Dave Long said there's no evidence to suggest 
any of them are connected.

Early Monday, three armed men stormed into a Stapleton Ave. home, 
overpowering a 34-year-old man who was babysitting a nine-year-old boy.

The apartment was ransacked and drugs were demanded, police said. No one 
was hurt.

Long said detectives have since found drug paraphernalia in the home, but 
no drugs.

In a separate home invasion early Monday, three or four men entered a 
Campbell Ave. home that police had raided for crack about two weeks ago.

Two women, including one who is pregnant, were sleeping when the men 
crashed in.

Neither woman said they saw a firearm, but they believed the men were armed 
when they felt something being pressed against the back of their heads. 
Jewelry, coins, a camera, two-way radios and liquor were stolen.

A third home invasion occurred at an Avondale St. home on Sunday, but the 
victims are reluctant to talk with police.
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