Pubdate: Fri, 22 Nov 2002
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2002, The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Robert Matas


$6-Billion Worth Of Highly Potent B.C. Product Flows South Each Year, 
Director Says

VANCOUVER -- Riding high after U.S. states rejected measures to relax drug 
laws, drug czar John Walters came to Canada this week to talk tough about a 
new front in the drug war.

Marijuana poses a greater danger to the United States than heroin, cocaine 
or amphetamines, said Mr. Walters, the director of the White House Office 
of National Drug Control Policy, in an interview yesterday in Vancouver.

About 60 per cent of six million people who need treatment services for 
drug abuse in the United States are dependent on marijuana, he said.

Earlier this month, Mr. Walters campaigned against measures to relax drug 
laws in Nevada, Arizona and Ohio.

Despite well-financed campaigns by pro-marijuana advocates, voters in those 
states rejected the measures.

Mr. Walters said he is making his first-ever visit to Vancouver because 
British Columbia increasingly supplies marijuana to Americans.

The U.S. government had succeeded somewhat in controlling the flow of drugs 
across its southern border with Mexico, he said.

But while it was looking south, British Columbia developed a $6-billion 
industry of what he described as the most potent, most commonly addictive 
drug in the United States.

Police told him that 95 per cent of the B.C. product is exported to the 
United States.

The psychoactive ingredient in B.C. marijuana is up to four times stronger 
than in other marijuana currently available on U.S. streets, he said.

"The problem we face is that people do not appreciate the danger that 
marijuana poses, particularly for young people," he said.

Mr. Walters, who is described in U.S. media as a law-and-order 
conservative, has advocated severe prison sentences for marijuana smugglers 
as well as allowing the military to play a lead role in interdiction.

He said he has not spent enough time in B.C. to fully understand what is 
going on in the province. However, Canada's approach to marijuana conflicts 
directly with Mr. Walters's views on the drug and how to deal with it.

Legalizing marijuana -- which has been recommended by a Senate committee in 
Canada -- is "ludicrous," he said. Allowing marijuana use for medical 
purposes -- which is federal policy in Canada -- is not supported by 
science, he said.

Despite the differences, Mr. Walters said he wants greater co-operation 
from Canada on enforcement of antimarijuana laws.

Earlier this year, U.S. officials reported they had seized nearly twice as 
much marijuana at the B.C.-Washington state border as in the year before.

Mr. Walters said targets have not been set to further reduce cross-border 
marijuana traffic. He anticipated that stepped-up measures introduced 
mostly for security reasons will have an impact on the flow of drugs 
through Vancouver's port and border crossings.

Offering a glimpse of what is in store, he said he expected more 
prescreening of commercial goods at the ports and airports.

New technology will be introduced to allow inspectors to scan shipping 
containers without opening them. New devices are being developed to measure 
gases and other emissions, he said.

Mr. Walters also anticipated more prescreening of individuals.

However, the strongest efforts to disrupt the drug trade should not be made 
at the border, Mr. Walters said.

"Trying to do this at the border is like trying to hit a pitch in baseball 
blindfolded," he said. "You may once in a while connect but it is largely 
going to be an accident."

He would not comment on what he expected law-enforcement agencies in Canada 
to do.

RCMP Constable Danielle Efford later said Mr. Walters and the RCMP "shared 
information and ideas" during a private informal meeting.

The RCMP is committed to work with its partners in the United States and 
elsewhere, she said. However, she would provide no details about the 
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens