Pubdate: Thu, 28 Nov 2002
Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Jonathan Jenkins


It's a scenario the clandestine marijuana farmer dreads: The door of his 
suburban pot plantation is kicked in and armed men order everyone inside to 
the floor.

But it's not cops with a search warrant -- it's rival gangsters looking for 
drugs and money. "Unfortunately it's becoming typical," York Region Det. 
Paul LaSalle said yesterday.

"Home invasions typically aren't random. They know what they're wanting so 
there's usually some sort of inside knowledge."

The latest example came Tuesday afternoon, when three men stormed into a 
spacious home in a new subdivision in Vaughan.

They pointed a gun at one of the four adults in the home and began 
searching the home.

It wouldn't have taken them long to find the $200,000 worth of marijuana 
plants growing in the basement. But while the gunmen's backs were turned, 
one of the victims quickly dialled 911.

"As soon as they discover 911 has been called they take off just before 
police arrive," LaSalle said.

Children At Home

The three invaders, all Vietnamese men, escaped in a light-coloured 
four-door car and a light grey minivan.

Unlike many other grow homes, police believe the couple growing the dope 
were also living there with their three children, all under the age of 
nine. The children, present during the robbery, have been taken into care 
by the Children's Aid Society.

Their parents --whose names were not released -- face numerous charges.

Police estimate the average grow house can turn a half-million dollar 
profit each year, and that up to 10,000 are operating across the country. 
Earlier this month, police raided 180 houses, seized $73-million worth of 
dope and charged 163 people.
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MAP posted-by: Beth