Pubdate: Wed, 27 Nov 2002
Source: Times Daily (Florence, AL)
Copyright: 2002 Times Daily
Author: Marvene Bowles


To the editor:

I question the actions taken by the Muscle Shoals School Board, 
superintendent and principal on Nov. 12.

Cody Dixon's car was searched because an angry parent called the principal 
and wrongly accused Cody of doing something illegal. This angry parent 
later admitted publicly, to the school board, his error.

There was not any evidence or offense witnessed by the faculty. Without 
probable cause, can anyone call the school and request a student be 
searched and interrogated?

This really opens a Pandora's box, doesn't it? The search did produce a 
pipe that did not belong to Cody, but how could he prove it?

I feel the message the administration was sending to the students is to lie 
and deny. If Cody has only denied the pipe was his, the administration 
would have had to have burden of proof.

Cody's life will forever be changed because of this mutation of school 
policy. If he were a repeat offender, troublemaker or rebellious student, 
then expulsion might be the only option.

This is a student who had a promising and bright future. He was an athlete, 
office worker and model student. I think he was used as target practice for 
the "powers that be" and their zero-tolerance policy.

Was this really necessary? This student, a senior who only had two credits 
shy of graduation, will always carry a stigma that is much too large for 
his "crime."

He was drug tested the next day, at his insistence and expense trying to 
prove his innocence. Maybe the negative drug test results were not what the 
ones who pursued him were looking for.

I am wondering if all those responsible for the expulsion of this student 
can live with the knowledge that you have stolen from Cody, supposedly the 
most memorable and fondest year of his life.

I have taught my grandson that bad things often happen to good people. This 
has been a hard lesson for Cody.

Marvene Bowles

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